Threads by latest replies - Page 120

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No.14401461 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence?
(5 replies)
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How do you get better at writing essays?

No.14401157 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Need it for research and other papers now more than ever.
(527 replies)

/sfg/ Spaceflight General

No.14398335 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Les Bogs du TempsSpaceX edition

prev: >>14395253
522 posts and 106 images omitted
(10 replies)

Making a living with mathematics

No.14401126 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know it's a meme on here that math graduates can make 300k starting, but can someone actually point to a position that actually pays anywhere close to that? I'm currently a CS student, but my interest lies within mathematics. The reason I don't just stay with CS is because CS is for fags(and also I'm a bit disillusioned by how boring the classes have been so far). But I also want to know if it's possible to make a decent living in math, even if I decide against grad school?
5 posts omitted
(44 replies)

Sami Timimi and ADHD.

No.14386938 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, so I just found out about this book.
Didn't find any critique on it.
Does anyone have anything to say about it?
39 posts and 1 image omitted
(13 replies)
No.14399387 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you had to make a guess as to how and why existence came into being, and your life depended on getting it right, what would you say?
8 posts omitted
(42 replies)

Do you need to be high IQ to be good at drawing?

No.14394468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My IQ is 110 and I still have no idea how shading works
37 posts and 3 images omitted
(15 replies)

Where is he?

No.14400268 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Continual sightings would imply a breeding population at the very least.
How has a nest not yet been detected by FLIR?
10 posts and 2 images omitted
(44 replies)
No.14399945 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here is your "perfect vacuum" bro.
Did we get too cocky, relative bros, and dismissed the aether theories too soon? How 'nothing' can hold these basic physical quantities: momentum, angular momentum, force, energy...
39 posts and 2 images omitted