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(34 replies)

Vaping vs Nicotine gum?

No.14388684 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does nicotine gum compare to vaping? I've never smoked but started to vape for a nootropic/to help my ADHD. It helps a bit but I haven't done it much yet, just a few puffs every few hours.

I've considered switching to the gum because it's more subtle and can be done in public. But how is its effectiveness and safety compared to vaping? I've looked it up but most people compare it to smoking so that won't help me.
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(31 replies)
No.14399189 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/.
Mental hospital doctor here, my patient suffering from schitzophrenia keeps writing these ramblings on the walls in our facility, anyone has any idea what could they mean? pic rel
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No.14404328 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Someone with actual knowledge in this field please weigh in, I need to settle an argument in /co/

How hard would it actually be to calculate the exact positions of stars 2000 years ago?
(133 replies)

Redpill me on global warming

No.14402783 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is climate change real, is it man-made, and is it going to be catastrophic?
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(13 replies)
No.14403498 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this the best time possible to be alive, scientifically speaking? I feel like we're on the cusp of something great, and along for the ride from the very beginning
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(27 replies)

Methoxetamine MXE

No.14398449 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This compound is not harder to produce than Ketamine and yet nobody is producing it. All the supply remaining is from 2015 and earlier.
K sells for $60/g and MXE currently for $300+.
MXE is more potent (lower dosage required), lasts longer, has less physical side effects especially on the bladder.
Why isn’t it being synthesized? Anyone experienced in chemistry know how to? There is a huge market and demand for it.
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(5 replies)
No.14402383 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think I finally understand most of the harmonic oscillator. After having learned to derive the classical and quantum HO (first and second quantization, not that it's a meaningful difference) I decided to try to tackle the system from many angles and find as many connections as possible. Things like resonance etc are of course already in the standard literature and not worth mentioning, but I figured out a couple more interesting structures.
>how to reduce the classical equations of motion to a linear first order differential equation using noncanonical transformations
>the connection between ladder operators and said non-canonical coordinates
>an actually well-motivated derivation for the ladder operators as a consequence
>eigenfunctions of the quantum HO from fourier symmetry
>the classical analogue of imaginary time propagation to realize energy minimization/maximization
>complex phase space trajectories (can be interpreted as classically forbidden solutions)
What I know I'm missing is:
>general quantum solutions for V=x^2 for x>0, 0 otherwise
>relativistic oscillator
What else could there be to learn from in this system?
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No.14403934 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any actually useful uses for Zero Knowledge Proofs?
(26 replies)
No.14401473 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can I convert the nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in my urine to a dry solid form?
21 posts and 2 images omitted