Threads by latest replies - Page 113
Anonymous (5 replies)
Is it possible to get tenure track at a prestigious university if you have had a completely unremarkable education (meh universities and grades, no awards, no scholarships) up to the master's level? Can you turn it around during your PhD and postdoc?
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Also, I'm not Jewish.
As long as you work hard enough.
yes. Only the "last" milestone matters. If you had shitty grades throughout bachelors, but wrote a nice master's thesis (and preferably had good grades in the master), you will get a PhD position. Then it is your PhD thesis and publications that will determine your academic career (and some extras such as teaching, participation in conferences, general networking). Nobody cares about your Highschool grades if you have a PhD.
Anonymous (5 replies)
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for
the human race. They have greatly increased the life expectancy of those of
us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have
made life un fulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have
led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical
suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the narural world.
Anonymous (5 replies)
What is the correct interpretation of the delayed-choice quantum eraser and what are the implications?
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>>14403908 Copenhagen is correct.
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>>14403908 There are no isolated particles. Changes in probability are instantaneous, and not bound by the speed of light.
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>>14403908 The implication is that the universe always knows the potential path a photon can take; the path of least resistance exists regardless of medium and can be thought of as a superconducting dimension of information. Exactly in the same way of electric charges, photons move by a felid line. Create an arrangement of polarized light and beam splitters and you can create potentials that exist regardless of the light being shot through them. Its very much like a winding of wire, always having the potential for current to be induced into it, just because of its shape.
Anonymous (5 replies)
God not real
Anonymous (5 replies)
>log in /sci/ for the first time in two months after having a meltdown over no chemistry threads and half the thread thinking Schrödinger was based and entitled to cunny
>suddenly there are chemistry threads that are not about synthetizing narcotics
There is still hope.
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yeah it's nice i'm shit at chem though lol
Anonymous (5 replies)
Can sound cause the oxidisation of metal?
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>>14404627 Not that I'm aware of but sound can create cracks in a protective coating.
Anonymous (22 replies)
>has two unpaired electrons
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>>14401175 >Nobleman gives in and has a threesome with peasant twins Anonymous
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>>14401175 >has 2 e in s orbitals and 6 in p Anonymous
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I hate this board so god damn much. I wish there was a way to ban every undergrad here.
>>14401175 >doesn't know about partial charges >doesn't know about molecular orbital theory >doesn't know the basic icons and symbols of his craft Please, return to the textbook.
We won't indulge foolishness around here. The IQ threads are enough trouble already.
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>>14404482 Half the board is so hopelessly inept that they wouldn't be able to grasp basic Hückel theory. We've overrun by children and "skeptics" (trolls).
Anonymous (34 replies)
I keep thinking about sex everyday, every single hour. I masturbate from 5 to 8 times a day and it happens in college as well or other public spaces, I frequently go to the bathroom to rub one off and I know this is extremely creepy and I want to stop but I can't. It's stronger than me, it consumes me, I become a different person when I get excited. This obsession has disturbed my academic life and I don't want it to keep happening, but I also don't want to take meds like antidepressants. Is there a way to reduce my libido naturally by ingesting more of a certain type of food or something like that?
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>>14398619 Read this OP. Its short, it will only take a few hours
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>>14398619 Try Lion's Mane. It won't fuck up your hormones or your brain. It's supposed to make you smarter, but many people also report its anti-libido and calming effects. It is/was popular with monks.
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>>14398818 How does playing sports help with reducing libido, if anything it increases it. All of the world's top athletes are consummate sex addicts. Do you even own a penis?
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>>14398619 Exercise and meditation.
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>>14398619 /fit/ got me to do fasting
A lack of food will kill your libido almost instantly. It helps give you a head start, and then afterwards it's easier to avoid porn and jacking off
Anonymous (6 replies)
I want to study mechanical engineering but I'm afraid I'll get bullied there.
>>14404314 Any of them, we can master anything.
>>14404320 Shut up, goyim.
>>14404420 Goyim is the plural. You're not a jew, or at least some retarded diluted ashgkenazi larper.
>>14404424 To be honest, I'm not that well versed in Judaeology.
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>>14404431 Goy to mean gentile is Yiddish slang, in ancient Hebrew it just meant nation. Israel was referred to as a goy, for example. If you want to pretend to be a jewish supremacist maybe take a few seconds to learn about it.
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>>14404314 Jews will go on to be actuarians, economists and a few of them will wander around math, physics and chemistry. Engineering barely has any jews, neither in the textbooks nor in classes. Jews are scholarly people who avoid more physical tasks, so the way to avoid them is by seeking any field of study where you must get your hands dirty.
Anonymous (20 replies)
What does science have to say about life after death?
>>14404399 >humans experience visions/hallucinations at emotionally intense times such as death Great.
>>14404435 Why bother replying if you're not gonna read what you're responding to?, lol.
>>14404442 Because the nonhuman hordes are programmd to contradict and drain you. Keep replying to them and feeding them.
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>>14404450 >Keep replying to them and feeding them. I stop once I don't gain anything from it.
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>>14404343 You are missing the point, it is the exact same thing regardless of the length of said loss of consciousness. Someone under a coma experiences the same thing someone who is asleep does, except for a longer amount of time. Time of which is completely removed out of the equation, someone who is dreaming is seemingly able to skip time, which is also what happens when we fall asleep and wake up. Lack of consciousness is far from being abnormal, people experience it every day and it is a part of being alive, tell me exactly how a dream within a coma differentiates itself from a dream while asleep. It is the same state, the unconscious brain works exactly the same when someone is dreaming while asleep from someone who is dreaming while in a coma. Near death experiences are also partly due to this ability, the brain is dreaming during near death experiences. The only thing we can conclude from the experiences people have had while nearly dying is that the brain dreams up things.