Threads by latest replies - Page 86
Can you help me find the source of this? I want to know for my research assignment
Pictures of guys taking a piss. No watersports/people getting pissed on please.
Stuck through wall thread

Last one >>2925872
Onions Freddy ansioso de vrg
Ey guys, saw an image i think it was on b/ of a yaoi scene of two boys having butt sex in a beautiful garden, in which the bottom had a laurel crown, and the text of the OP was something like "dont lose your chance to have sex with a beautiful boy" or something. It was drawn very beautifuly in almost a renaissance era type style, with cell shading and stuff.. Does anybody have the image?
>alr lads
>personally i could go either way i just wanna know what /y/ thinks
>personally i could go either way i just wanna know what /y/ thinks