Threads by latest replies - Page 20

(5 replies)
No.107396 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>He unironically tries to meme arrow "greentext" out of 4chan

I cringe every time I see someone do this in YouTube comments or someone off Twitter or Facebook.
(5 replies)

We use the draw/canvas feature

No.107783 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We use the draw feature.
I didn't realize I had to make it within the size of the frame. Whatever its lazy and shitty anyway lol.

I'm out of practice, and never really learned to draw beyond a beginner-moderate level. Also, I didn't put much effort in generally.

I wish this feature was on basically every single board.
(5 replies)
No.108186 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I didn't receive an email confirming I renewed my pass and when I click on the link on the renew page it said I already did it. Where can I check the status of my pass ?
(67 replies)
No.99362 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do you renew a pass without using shitty bitcoins? I'm not getting into that garbage
62 posts and 10 images omitted
(5 replies)

Zenoribbon: Rendering of Reality

No.108343 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Homestead Claim
Claim Type: Original Creativity Claim (Ocla).
Unique Identifier: Zenoribbon: Rendering of Reality.
Full Property Name: Zenoribbon of Rainbow Road: Rendering of Reality.
Abbreviations: ZR, Zenoribbon.
Description: Zenoribbon is a Mobius ribbon which exists as an ethereal entity used for trading. Zenoribbon is precicely Tau times 4mm wide by 63cm long. The ribbon is irrationally wide, but rationally long. The combination of both rational and irrational render of Zenoribbon into reality in a way that gives comfort to traders such that they can be ensured that they are using money mathematically proven to be real.
Energy Invested: Contemplation of the most effective way to render the ribbon into reality while maintaining simplicity of trading.
Time of Claim: 2021 June 28.
Claimant Name: fractalosopher.
Claimant Sharing Key: =hqXdZnrTvicitWv4V/LH/9qA3nUMcl5PIbbdgclZ9cY=
Hash to End of Above Line: 60jxQMp5GiBOx4UXOH64KvdvaJvATubRv31glzcWVw==
:Protocol: SHA-512 Base64 RFC-4648, Partial
:Signature: TstJeGP4rxvWRffzgOa4hYjBo2vtpqxvn5dv3i7Y3SOlDxOEfuUi0bM+9wW9Lg3okqzxGBObti6zDgOZh7OrBA==
(5 replies)
No.107129 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>your 4chan pass is currently in use by another IP
>more info
>you are now authenticated
>your 4chan pass is currently in use by another IP
>more info
>you are now authenticated>post
>your 4chan pass is currently in use by another IP
>more info
>you are now authenticated>post
>your 4chan pass is currently in use by another IP
>more info
>you are now authenticated
(5 replies)

fuck jannies

No.107921 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Another 3 day ban for no fucking reason, that wasn't even off topic, from some banhappy faggot hopping up and down on his dildo as he randomly bans people who aren't trannies. This is the last time I buy a pass, fuckers. You lost a fucking customer FOREVER.
!!nwlH4kdCNv8 (5 replies)


!!nwlH4kdCNv8 No.108217 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi I am the salvation of thinking kind and unthinking. Entropy is the final boss.

Space and functional immortality is the short term goal
(10 replies)
No.101779 ViewReplyOriginalReport
5 posts and 2 images omitted
(5 replies)

im poop

No.106748 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hi poopyheads