Threads by latest replies - Page 98

(20 replies)
No.14408270 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My foreskin is extremely tight and painful. Why is that?
I've commited the autoerotic sin earlier in my life, so I know it's not Phimosis.
15 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.14408515 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are men narcissistic and why can't they admit when they're wrong
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what came before the particle that started the big bang?

No.14408416 ViewReplyOriginalReport
3 posts omitted
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No.14408504 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the chance of infection by HPV or herpes after having sex with an escort once? In %.
Give me a scientifically accurate answer.
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(26 replies)
No.14406364 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When do boys stop growing in height?
21 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.14407619 ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you look like a scientist?
7 posts and 3 images omitted
(21 replies)

Proof of free will?

No.14407356 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just feel out of control.
16 posts omitted