Threads by latest replies - Page 97

(6 replies)
No.14406582 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone here tried Vitamin A maxxing before? I'm right on the verge of chaddom, I just need to not look like a ghost. Has anyone found success with eating massive amounts of vitamin A to turn themselves orange? How many carrots do I need to consume and for how long?
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(11 replies)
No.14405565 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> be Turing
> inherit method of decrypting enigma from Polish
> Improved a machine already made by the Polish
> wouldn't have been able to do it without capture of enigma machine and German code books
> published several papers copying papers published several years before
> didn't create the computer or Turing machine but provided a formalization of it. Again this idea already existed.
> hailed as father of AI and computer science.

> be Arthur Scherbius
> create enigma machine in 1918
> Alan Turing literally can't figure it out decades later
> no one knows who you are
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(10 replies)

IQ test

No.14408654 ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you have a high enough IQ to pick out the tranny?
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(5 replies)

What is entropy's relationship to the ether?

No.14407885 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14408659 ViewReplyOriginalReport
control theory niggas i need some help...

so if i'm given any transfer function can't i always put it into controllable canonical form? what transfer function can't i put into any of the canonical forms? i can always do it. so then,
>This state-space realization is called controllable canonical form because the resulting model is guaranteed to be controllable
So all transfer functions are controllable... ? So what's the point in testing controllability of a system if literally all systems are controllable? I'm lost bros
(21 replies)
No.14407127 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking low iq people are less likely to change opinions when presented with evidence during an argument. High iq people are more likely to be accommodating in arguments.
Society is fucked beyond human understanding.
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(176 replies)
No.14392485 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: whackiest theory you believe in?
171 posts and 14 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.14406413 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am dumb, and can't solve for x without coming up with a general range. Can someone help me?
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(5 replies)
No.14408621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does .9999999... = 1?
State which part of STEM you're in
(14 replies)
No.14403509 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>browsing utube
>*clicks on science video*
>sees this
>closes video
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