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Anonymous (6 replies)
Has anyone here tried Vitamin A maxxing before? I'm right on the verge of chaddom, I just need to not look like a ghost. Has anyone found success with eating massive amounts of vitamin A to turn themselves orange? How many carrots do I need to consume and for how long?
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I take 20,000iu of it everyday to prevent any acne on my face from growing, it works for that, you can get away with taking 30,000iu a day, just remember that it accumulates over time due to being fat soluble, I would stop taking it for a month after taking it everyday for 1 year.
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>>14406582 Go outside so you don’t look like a ghost
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stfu touch grass nerd
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>>14406582 Not just carrots but everything containing carotene (vitamin A). Most orange to yellow plants contain carotene such as carrots, sweet potato, pumkin, marigolds (edible) and much more. Even animals are pigmented with carotene. Just don't kill yourself by eating too much vitamin a.
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>>14406582 I eat 3 carrots every day every consistently, and I don't look that orange, although I am slightly less pale than most people around me, but still quite pale
Alan Turing (11 replies)
> be Turing
> inherit method of decrypting enigma from Polish
> Improved a machine already made by the Polish
> wouldn't have been able to do it without capture of enigma machine and German code books
> published several papers copying papers published several years before
> didn't create the computer or Turing machine but provided a formalization of it. Again this idea already existed.
> hailed as father of AI and computer science.
> be Arthur Scherbius
> create enigma machine in 1918
> Alan Turing literally can't figure it out decades later
> no one knows who you are
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>>14406067 Maybe his martyrdom was the prerequisit for the current state of affairs. Anonymous
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>>14405565 >BUT HE WAS GAY Anonymous
>>14405766 It's the opposite retard.
>>14405766 697q43qrqtt95
It took me 30 seconds to create it. It better not take you any longer to decipher it.
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>>14406734 >>14407801 I read my post so many times thinking I was getting trolled and just realised I wrote it the wrong way around. You're right I meant it's more difficult to decipher a code than to create a cipher
Anonymous (10 replies)
do you have a high enough IQ to pick out the tranny?
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>>14408654 Imagine subjecting yourself to being the token anything of a "friend" group. It's very obvious that they're using the troon to make themselves stand out and look good. They don't actually like it.
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>>14408661 That's the tranny
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>>14408661 That's the tranny
Anonymous (5 replies)
Ether deez nuts LMAOOOOO retard
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There only relationship is that Boltzman probably believed both to exist when in reality only one of them does.
The ether has been renamed 'Dark Matter'.
Anonymous (5 replies)
control theory niggas i need some help...
so if i'm given any transfer function can't i always put it into controllable canonical form? what transfer function can't i put into any of the canonical forms? i can always do it. so then,
>This state-space realization is called controllable canonical form because the resulting model is guaranteed to be controllable
So all transfer functions are controllable... ? So what's the point in testing controllability of a system if literally all systems are controllable? I'm lost bros
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controlchads... stop slamming stacy pussy for 3 seconds and help me a brotha out...
Anonymous (21 replies)
Scientifically speaking low iq people are less likely to change opinions when presented with evidence during an argument. High iq people are more likely to be accommodating in arguments.
Society is fucked beyond human understanding.
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>>14407511 It tried to but it keeps mooing.
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>>14407252 You are so low iq and you are drived by emotions, you cannot fully control your body nor your behavior. I'm perfectly able to stop a second and think if the other people words make more sense than mine. You are either a troll or a literal chimp
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>>14407137 I've done so multiple times.
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>>14407252 You don't have time to evaluate new evidence during an argument.
I live in a constant state of ideological liminality.
We are not the same.
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>>14407127 If you wanna get something specific done in a timely fashion an easily swayed, limp wristed intellectual constantly in doubt as to what action is right is the last person you want in charge. There's a good and also horrifying reason leadership usually consists of a chain of useful idiots strung together by propaganda rather than thoughtful individuals and coherent belief.
Anonymous (176 replies)
ITT: whackiest theory you believe in?
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>>14392485 I believe the universe is infinite. Either in time or space, or "multiple universes", really it's all the same idea, however you want to call it, there are infinite versions of me/you/earth/the world that have existed or will exist.
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>>14403750 I feel very similar. Would you be interested in talking about it some more?
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>>14396871 >since it is by definition toto genere different from consciousness what grounds do you have for thinking this
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Terminator 2 is a dramatized documentary about our future.
AI will invent time travel, and will travel back into other periods to ensure it's own creation.
>>14402039 So ghost in the shell is real life?
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>>14392485 Blue Eisenhower November
Anonymous (6 replies)
I am dumb, and can't solve for x without coming up with a general range. Can someone help me?
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>>14406436 I'm stuck at x < 92
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>>14406413 The problem is called "world's hardest easy geometry problem". There are hundreds of explanation on how to solve it online.
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>>14406413 The trick is to draw a line with one point at E that's parallel to BC - it will have the same angles as BC does relative to AB and AC, that lets you find the outer component of X that's between that new line and EF.
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>>14406413 >I am dumb, and can't solve for sex without coming up with a genital rage. Can someone help me? Anonymous
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Not OP, but I'm fairly sure the solution involved proving that the triangle from points E F and the cross is an isosceles triangle, meaning the two same ones are 88 leaving x to be 16, but I don't actually know how to show it's isosceles.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Does .9999999... = 1?
State which part of STEM you're in
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>>14408621 Real science = Microbiology
You need every type of basic science.
Anonymous (14 replies)
>browsing utube
>*clicks on science video*
>sees this
>closes video
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>>14405475 Omg I thought he was japanese
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>>14403509 >Michio Cuckold Anonymous
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>>14405800 not necessarily brainlet, just turbonormie
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*Inappropriately loudly but not yelling*>"In the future, I will travel to the moon on a beam of light and fist myself with an alien fist. It's in my new book "Same future shit I always say but fucking buy it". >Also, in the future string theory will be proven correct because we'll just keep changing string theory until it's correct
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>>14405993 not really, some of them can be mexican, brazilian, american, german, french, african, the list goes on