Threads by latest replies - Page 95

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The Future of the Amish

No.14401505 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Random Question of the night, whats the Endgame of the Amish concerning long term survival?

Like will they just vanish into history or are they clever enough to out run Doomsday scenarios?
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No.14402956 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's no such thing as imaginary numbers. Every mathematical application you supposedly "need" imaginary numbers for in physics , you can accomplish with real trigonometric functions and power series .

Prove me wrong.
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How come?

No.14407093 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14408231 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How common is abiogenesis in the universe?
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Is there any way to model a rotating body in Ansys?

No.14400374 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Never got a project like this before, but I have to find out the heat distribution of a rotating wheel. The heat generated is due to friction between the road and the wheel and heat loss is due to convection between the rubber and air
Obviously, I can do heat transfer when the body is stationary but this is too radical and challenging for me
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No.14409249 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is thermodynamics self-organized criticality?

According to Wikipedia, stuff that's exactly at the melting point, is in a thermodynamic equilibrium. Since a closed system tends towards equilibrium, does it also mean it tends toward its critical point?
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No.14400055 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Spritzer vs Webb

Same star
18 posts and 2 images omitted
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how does this make you feel ?

No.14409143 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14403740 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the most non-trivially impractical, useless, needlessly complicated math you can think of? It can be a theorem that's bad, an algebra that is too restrictive, a category of primes, anything

pic related, this is a bad Yu-Gi-Oh card that is really useless but nevertheless exists
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