Threads by latest replies - Page 94

(34 replies)

Parameter vs variable

No.14405666 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the FUCK is the difference between a parameter and a variable? I've yet to see a single non-retarded explanation of the difference between the two
>uh well a parameter is a constant, but it can change like a variable, so I guess it's a variable lol
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(13 replies)
No.14407117 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why the fuck is Summer said to start on 21st June when the daylight hours start slowly decreasing and it's not as hot as it was in early June?
Spring is the new summer. Keeps getting hot every year and Summer is full of rain and humidity.
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(9 replies)

/sci/ Medical Service

No.14407434 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a partially amputated and broken fingertip

The accident occurred on the evening of April 13
I fell on a mesh fence and almost entirely amputated the tip of my third finger (distal phalanx)
The cut began at an angle of approximately 215 degrees, towards the tip of the finger, however, without separating it completely
The severed part of the finger was hanging on the skin
The root of the nail was torn in half and there was a lot of bleeding

It took me probably 15 minutes to get home, then I was driven further to the hospital emergency room in another 15 minutes
With a bleeding hand, after completing the formalities at the reception desk, I was assigned a number in the queue
After about 20 minutes and 2 people ahead of me, I was admitted to Triage, where they disinfected my wound and applied a temporary dressing
Then, about 20 minutes I waited outside the treatment room, where another patient also required the assistance of a surgeon with his hand, which I observed carefully through the open door
Next I was taken for a x-ray and back
About 15 minutes later and 1.5 hours after the accident, a doctor attended me
I received two anesthetics, 4 stitches were placed on my finger and 2 additional on the nail (1 on the root)
The doctor has informed me that the bone is broken and I require a visit to an orthopedist within 2-3 days (to also ensure that the finger is not dying)
After suturing the wound I was x-rayed again and fitted with a zimmer splint
The doctor prescribed two antibiotics and one painkiller and a referral to an orthopedist with the note "VERY URGENT"
After asking, he recommended that if I can't get into the orthopedist because of the queue, I should come back to the emergency room for a consultation within 2-3 days
The doctor was very kind and we had a nice chat and even joke during the procedure
I thanked him, bought medicines and went home

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(75 replies)

Redpill me on global warming

No.14405512 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Some jannie that does it for free decided to delete that thread. I was looking forward to coming back in the evening and read through the resources posted

Climate change: is it real, is it man-made, and is it an existential threat?

If effortpost anon could repost those articles and resources he posted in that thread, that would be very sweet of him.
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(31 replies)
No.14407189 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is the most profound mathematical statement that youve ever come across?
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(15 replies)

When did you realize round Earth is a scam?

No.14409691 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Unproven claims founded on mental gymnastics can hardly be considered true unless you are brainwashed.
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(5 replies)
(39 replies)
No.14407909 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone else here watch Suspicious0bservers?

In short, if he's right, things are going to be extremely bad very soon.

There will be a planetary grade catastrophe that will wipe out most of the population, all due to the cyclical nature of our solar system and galaxy, which we can do nothing about. The magnetic poles of Earth will shift (they already are, and are accelerating), which will cause the planet to tilt, meaning massive flooding and everyone dies. This is the kind of stuff ancient civilizations left us clues about, but we often ignore because it's just "silly religious hallucinations". The galactic current sheet will hit us again and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

Due to recent evidence of acceleration (Neptune climate shift, Pluto atmosphere collapse), this will all likely unfold within the next 5-20 years. I hope he's wrong bros. Let me know if you think this is just schizo nonsense.
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(5 replies)
No.14407654 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>seed oils are killing you, bro
>can't you see that the number of heart attacks began climbing in 1925 and peaked in the 60s???
>surely there's no other variable that could be responsible for this, it surely because they started seeling seed oils in the early 1900s
(19 replies)

Sleeping Pills That Won't Cause Dementia

No.14405673 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any sleeping pills that aren't anticholinergic? So no antihistamines, no tricyclic antidepressants, no benzos, no z drugs. It has to work too so no melatonin or 5-htp. Anything at all?
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