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Quantum Mechanics

No.14408725 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quantum Mechanics says that particle can travel through space at a fixed point in time. How is this possible given the notion that we know space and time are pretty much inextricably linked?

Wouldn't it be better to come up with an equation that is independent of space and time? I don't even know how you would do that
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No.14409450 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Suppose we dug a canal bringing oceanwater straight into the middle of the desert. What would happen? Would there be increased rainwater resulting in desert greening? Would the temperature go down? Would desalination plants in this region make inhabiting them more feasible?
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Which is the best place to hoist up the weight??

No.14409731 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain the answer??
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'Mechanistic Link' Between Germs and Asthma

No.14407192 ViewReplyOriginalReport

>clinicians were able to pinpoint a major component of bacterial cell membranes through a molecule called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) which can trigger "pro-inflammatory molecules" such as the protein and cytokine oncostatin M (OSM)
>The researchers found that blocking the OSM can reduce severe asthma-related symptoms in mice, leading to the potential development of antibodies and other medicinal drugs against OSM pertaining to asthma treatment.
>a potential cure is possible in the future if the scientific community further understands the mechanisms surrounding asthma and its relation to both microscopic living organisms, such as germs or pathogens.

Are chronic conditions like asthma, arthritis, etc. going to be cured in our lifetimes?
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No.14409877 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which element or substance has the most atoms per unit of volume?
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No.14408727 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The global warming propagandists and the profiteers who pay them will lie about anything and everything in order to push their greedy political agenda
>""""Studies"""" show public transit is not a vector for viral transmission

so who here thinks that the recently canceled masks rule on airplanes was completely unnecessary to begin with?
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(60 replies)

Surely it must be true?

No.14397098 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Surely P(A?B) = P(B?A)? Right /sci? I mean look at the venn-diagram, they are they same no?
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No.14403886 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is Alzheimer's the most terrifying disease? Your brain is gradually deteriorating, causing you to lose your memories, identity, and personality. Your family and friends are now strangers to you, and you are unable to recognize yourself in the mirror. You lose your cognitive functions until you eventually die
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ALOE: Very, very bad for you. But why?

No.14409013 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I randomly had a thought pop into my mind, wondering if consuming lots of aloe would have any beneficial effects. I thought maybe it would help rejuvenate the liver or be good for the kidneys.
Turns out it’s the total opposite - they are saying it’s extremely BAD for the kidneys as well as a ton of other things including your heart
I’m sorry but my bullshit meter is going off.
Is this jewish lies? Or aloe is poison?
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(43 replies)
No.14405177 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is all knowledge logically deducible with mere syllogistic proof? How far can an English Collegiate Dictionary, an English Encyclopedia, and the principles of logic take someone?
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