Threads by latest replies - Page 92

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No.14407811 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do prime numbers mean?
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No.14408556 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to develop my understanding of the stuff that Inigo Quillez uses to make cool animations:

What should I study to get to the point where I can do what he does?
What university classes cover this kind of material?
(18 replies)
No.14410099 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of the scientific wings of the German government, the health ministry, is trying to prevent Elon from acquiring Twitter "In the name of science".
Is there any real scientific evidence that Elon buying Twitter would harm science? As far as we've all seen so far, Elon seem to be in favor of science, he isn't building all the EVs and rockets by employing wizards and priests.
13 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.14406105 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, evidence so far looks like we live in at least one false vacuum at least when it comes to the Higgs field. Assuming you have the tech to detect a vacuum decay event in a single point, how would you reinforce the walls of the bubble to contain it and stop it from expanding and even reverse it?
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/sfg/ Spaceflight General

No.14407141 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Kerbal Launch System reverting to VAB edition

prev: >>14404335
697 posts and 138 images omitted
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No.14410398 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Participants are needed for a survey study examining if the frequency of sexual experiences and attachment style can influence mood and changes in behavior. Participation will take approximately 30 minutes of your time.
Please follow this link if you are interested in participating.
(29 replies)

Doing an M.S. instead of a PhD

No.14408117 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some good reasons one would choose to do an M.S. instead of a PhD in Mathematics following a Bachelor's degree? I only want to teach community college and looks like that's all I need.
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No.14408261 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We know every human action, morals, ideology and philosophy (psychology, conscious and unconscious thought, and social science etc) are governed by evolution at least to some extent (at least most likely). This means that from the ground up our societies and relationships are governed by it to, so embedded into our being people can formulaically manipulate it consistently. This is a bit strange because this means the basis for how we ultimately act and think is an ever changing thing. Doesn’t this mean in 100000000 some years when we finally properly evolved again that literally everything we do will be so far removed from how we are right now it’ll be unrecognizable as human? We wouldn’t even really be able to begin to understand it using us as a basis. Of course thinking about what I’ve just said I don’t think any of this thinking is really new (picrel is clear proof) but still
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post scientific facts itt

No.14410368 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientific facts: men can't be women, there is no climate emergency, covid vaccines kill, masks don't work, critical race theory is marxism