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Anonymous (5 replies)
Does shades make light go slower
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Yes. But only because it bounces around first, and therefore it takes longer to reach your eye, and it doesnt actually move slower.
Anonymous (42 replies)
What do prime numbers mean?
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>>14407811 ask yourself this. can you think of a system of numbers where prime numbers exist? like in some sort of computer simulation?
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>>14407811 Why do you expect natural numbers to mean anything at all? In some sense they represent the discrete quantities in which individual actions or objects occur. Are you hoping for something more than that?
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>>14407811 A prime number is a number that is divisible only by itself and 1. For example the first 10 primes are: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29. (1 is a unit and units do not count as primes).
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>>14407811 They communicate something about the orientation of the number system, namely the number of digits.
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Prime numbers are a deception used by the space elves to control the human breeding hive for their sex purposes. The end goal is to breed one male human per male or female elf. Female humans are negligible, used often as a mere space delicacy akin to snails.
Anonymous (5 replies)
I want to develop my understanding of the stuff that Inigo Quillez uses to make cool animations:
What should I study to get to the point where I can do what he does?
What university classes cover this kind of material?
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This is just an example of procedural world generation typically found in video games
linear algebra. that is the language everything else will be phrased in, including other useful math like calculus and signal processing. linear algebra is the most useful math i know, and i know a lot of math.
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>>14408599 I've taken linear algebra at uni, I am a student at UC Berkeley.
I don't believe the classes on computer graphics or computational photography cover this kinda math, idk.
Anonymous (18 replies)
One of the scientific wings of the German government, the health ministry, is trying to prevent Elon from acquiring Twitter "In the name of science".
Is there any real scientific evidence that Elon buying Twitter would harm science? As far as we've all seen so far, Elon seem to be in favor of science, he isn't building all the EVs and rockets by employing wizards and priests.
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>>14410099 >twitter >Credibility Anonymous
Lauterbach is cringe af. He ordered 650 million doses of vaccines for 80 million people. After the law for vaxx mandates was rejected in parliament he made another contract for vaxx deliveries of millions of doses until 2029. Yesterday he said in autum we will have a "killer variant" of covid. Even all the other German virologists are calling him out now for his bullshit and call him deluded.
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lottabitch is a psychopath. not even german and I hate him.
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>>14410493 >Even all the other German virologists are calling him out now for his bullshit and call him deluded. so what? same shit happened to fauci and it didn't negatively impact him or his career in anyway. when a nobody scientist contradicts "the narrative" the contradiction is just ignored. scientists aren't impotent people, nobody listens to them, their job is to back up a politician's lies, all that stuff about research is just made up bullshit to try to convince to trust "the science" and "the narrative"
this is not my sentiment, its einstein's.
scientists are just paid liars
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>>14410167 Hitler wasn't controlled opposition. Stop perpetuating this psyop simpleton
Anonymous (7 replies)
So, evidence so far looks like we live in at least one false vacuum at least when it comes to the Higgs field. Assuming you have the tech to detect a vacuum decay event in a single point, how would you reinforce the walls of the bubble to contain it and stop it from expanding and even reverse it?
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The electroweak vaccum of the Standard Model indeed has a finite (albeit very long) lifetime. Whether or not this actually applies to our universe is moot. No one believes the SM holds up to the required energy scale for this prediction to be accurate.>how would you reinforce the walls of the bubble to contain it and stop it from expanding and even reverse it? This is nonsense
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>>14406105 It would expand at the speed of light, so you can't detect it
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stopping vacuum decay is impossible since it propagates at the speed of light
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>>14406105 I think we just die, actually, if this is true. However since it hasn't happened yet, it likely will never in your lifetime.
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There's a surface tension on the bubble. If it is too small, the vacuum decay bubble collapses on its own and goes back to normal.
Anonymous (702 replies)
Kerbal Launch System reverting to VAB edition
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>>14410275 >2030 (earliest availability for an RTG) okay that's a problem we should be fixing
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>>14410328 the anti-Gil Scott Heroin
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>>14410276 >Human exploration of space is so expensive, we should just send robots! >Human mission costs $900 million LESS than the robotic mission >Human mission returns 45.5x the sample mass Space belongs to Mankind
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>>14410304 they'll probably upload it on their youtube with all the others
Anonymous (5 replies)
Participants are needed for a survey study examining if the frequency of sexual experiences and attachment style can influence mood and changes in behavior. Participation will take approximately 30 minutes of your time.
Please follow this link if you are interested in participating.
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>>14410398 More like false research
Anonymous (29 replies)
What are some good reasons one would choose to do an M.S. instead of a PhD in Mathematics following a Bachelor's degree? I only want to teach community college and looks like that's all I need.
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>>14408278 No.
With experience? Usually.
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>>14409502 A PhD is autistic enough to autonomously design a new course. Notwithstanding, a even if a title wasn't reflective of a candidates ability (it is), prospective students care about titles. It is more prestigious to attend a class taught by a phd than by an ms
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>>14409456 >You can earn the PhD without ever receiving an MS. technically you do earn it, it comes rolled up in your mailbox or something
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You don't do either, you just enter real estate. No matter how low IQ you are, boomers have basically mandated that real estate line can only go up. Then once you have millions, you donate to some shit school and get an honorary masters or PHD there.
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>>14408117 I'm in robotics and my phd was useful when securing funding for various projects. Also opens the opportunity for consultancy work on other people's projects because having phds on your team does matter.
But I'm in a field where people's training varies from self-taught hobbyists to postdocs. I don't know how much of that holds true for mathematics.
Anonymous (12 replies)
We know every human action, morals, ideology and philosophy (psychology, conscious and unconscious thought, and social science etc) are governed by evolution at least to some extent (at least most likely). This means that from the ground up our societies and relationships are governed by it to, so embedded into our being people can formulaically manipulate it consistently. This is a bit strange because this means the basis for how we ultimately act and think is an ever changing thing. Doesn’t this mean in 100000000 some years when we finally properly evolved again that literally everything we do will be so far removed from how we are right now it’ll be unrecognizable as human? We wouldn’t even really be able to begin to understand it using us as a basis. Of course thinking about what I’ve just said I don’t think any of this thinking is really new (picrel is clear proof) but still
>>14408261 >people can formulaically manipulate it consistently what did he mean by this?
>Doesn’t this mean in 100,000,000 some years when we finally properly evolved again that literally everything we do will be so far removed from how we are right now it’ll be unrecognizable as human? Humans will probably last 8 million more years.
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>>14408638 I mean that psychotic people can manipulate other people by preying on aspects of humans that are consistent among most of them. You see this most with advertisers and especially algorithms meant to keep you stuck on your screen and such and such
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>>14408261 None of that is implied by evolutionary theory. Retard
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>>14408261 If you cultivate awareness and self-knowledge, you will neither be ruled by your archaic nature, nor have to rule over it. I agree with you that the people of the future will not be recognizable as human; humanity is undergoing a domestication process that guts it of both human spirit and human reason; the future human will be a barely-conscious lump of clay in the hands of social engineers.
Anonymous (5 replies)
scientific facts: men can't be women, there is no climate emergency, covid vaccines kill, masks don't work, critical race theory is marxism
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>>14410368 >waking up the woke >portrays a normal-looking couple Science fact of the day: woke males look like incels and sleep alone.