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Anonymous (5 replies)
It seems like all the greatest inventors and geniuses smoked. Not that smoking is good for you, but the nicotine is a nootropic and it makes me wonder how much of that helped.
>>14411000 You mean Archimedes smoked?
>>14411014 You mean Archimedes invented anyhing? What specifically? The Archimedes screw was around long before he was. Are you sure that you're not just a namedropper of no substance? Being a namedropper is big tip off that way because namedropping is so popular amongst a certain subset of society
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>>14411045 Are you saying Archimedes wasn't a genius?
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>>14411014 I don't know if Archimedes smoked, but he drank opium.
Anonymous (9 replies)
if you could look like any scientist, contemporary or historical, which one would you pick if you were focused specifically on career advancement?
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>>14412053 Fiorella Terenzi
>>14411890 as a future scientist no that not what an average scientist looks like
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>>14412065 She didn’t claim that’s what the average scientist looks like. She said this is what “a scientist” looks like. Literally all she’s trying to do is tell black kids that they can “make it” too.
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>>14412053 i think the einstein meme has been driven into people's heads so thoroughly via decades upon decades of nonstop imagery of the guy being spammed into every single media format ever invented, that if you looked like him that success in the sciences would be undeniable and inevitable. nobody would want to be the guy to stand in your way and tell einstein that he can't be a scientist because he didn't turn in his physics homework on time or something petty like that.
theres really no other scientists that had their image pushed at anywhere near to level einstein's was. if you looked like maxwell or rutherford or someone else significant from that era few people would recognize you, maybe a small percentage here recognize picrel
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>>14412065 More and more it will be. Better get accustomed to the new normal.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Can someone explain the formula for entropy to me? Why does it look the way it does?
I'm looking for answers that can be understood by sub-100 IQ holders, but still address each component of the formula.
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>>14411976 Based is that nucleic acids in his finger BASED DESUUUU
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>>14411976 It easy follows from the minimal properties of information that make sense. The key one being that the information from independent events should be the sum of the information for each event, which is where the log comes from
Anonymous (6 replies)
I have an IQ of 102 and I always wondered what amount of time is needed for someone like me to pass exams. Let's say you have an Electircal engineering exam in 3 weeks, would someone with that IQ managed to pass that if he or she studies 8 hours a day or is it impossible unless one dedicated 3 months exclusively to it?
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to pass yes but to understand probably not
>>14408763 Study smarter not harder
>t.midwit Anonymous
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>>14408763 You can do it, anon.
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>>14411907 Are you a 120 IQ "midwit" or an actual midwit around IQ 90-105?
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When you understand the material you can stop.
Anonymous (5 replies)
How do you feel that your penis is made of organic atoms that made of nuclear forces chemical bonds a swell electromagnetic ties
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>>14411996 >how do you feel that your cold mechanistic machine body can feel
Anonymous (5 replies)
Scientifically speaking, are humans meant to sleep in the same place for years?
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>>14410919 forgot to add: is it natural? is it human nature?
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>>14410919 Does history describe human nature?
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>>14410919 Sleep on concrete for 7 years anon for science
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>>14410919 Earth moves in space, so we are never in the same place
Anonymous (84 replies)
*Invents CRISPR in your path*
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>>14407261 You are wrong actually. Whites did not invent racism. What they did invent was ending racism, being self critical and paying 100s of years old debts.
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>>14409760 >greeks are not white because they are tan ITT: black American education.
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>>14405545 finally, someone mentioned this guy
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>>14409269 equity
1. the quality of being fair and impartial.
Your penis is not clean enough
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>>14402188 > Female biologists utterly mog male biologist The fathers of biology were Men stop inhaling all the copiume you dont gain anything
Anonymous (7 replies)
If we are in a simulation is our consciousness less conscious than if we were in the real world? If a God does exist in that real universe would he acknowledge our existence? Is the theory that a it would take a computer the size of the entire observable universe to simulate a 100 electrons real or is it just cope from scientist scared shitless of being simulated? How the fuck are we to even approach death in a simulation.
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The fact that we appear to be in the most influential time period in history is strong evidence that we live in a simulation. We live just before the technological singularity and colonization explosion of the universe. Thus, the rational thing to do is probably to try to influence the far future as much as possible. Anonymous
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>>14411177 Actually it's more like being a universe sized being with schizophrenia that runs around in circles occasionally.
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>>14411577 Stop spamming your merzbow lite tier crap.
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>>14411543 But that was even an issue long before the simulation theories
Anonymous (5 replies)
Jails and prisons are one of the most burdensome expenses in the united states, costing billions of dollars per year. Wouldn't having automatic penitentiary systems with robot guards as a backup reduce the cost and also cut down on escapes? Most jail breaks happen from the inside due to corrupt officials either facilitating the escape through action (providing the prisoners with contraband) or inaction (not forcing them back in their cells or stopping revolts) so it makes sense that robotic wardens and an automated prisoner tracking system (like electronic collars) would be the best way to ensure fair and safe justice. Think of those mostly fully automated factory farms where the animals are shuttled around, fed, taken care of etc by machines. We could be doing that with our own prisons where animals (criminals) have exact routine schedules to follow. This way you dont have to pay for prison staff.
South Korea seems to already be trying to implement a form of this idea with their new high-speed robotic guards.
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>>14410067 >reduce the cost and also cut down on escapes? Best way to do this is to abolish prisons entirely. Prisons are an archaic concept. Better to just put a bullet in all of them, let God sort them out.
>>14410067 Prisons? Your way of thinking is primitive and obsolete. The science utopia will simply make it impossible for you to want to commit crimes in the first place. :^)
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>>14410067 >Jails and prisons are one of the most burdensome expenses in the united states completely false, the most burdensome expenses that the USA bears are what it spends on foreigners. domestic spending gets recycled directly back into the domestic economy, it isn't an expense, it pays for itself.
the financial burdens that harm america are the endless foreign military excursions to defend and expand israel and israeli influence in the old world.
wealth that is sent overseas is lost forever.
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>>14410079 Man made horrors beyond my comprehension
Anonymous (37 replies)
What do you think existed before the big bang, sci?
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>>14409136 My guess is, lots of very unexpectedly "mature" galaxies in every direction as far as they can see.
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At the end of our universe all galaxies will have collapsed into black holes that then combine into a single black hole which inverts space-time and farts it out in another dimension
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>>14408682 It depends on what you call existence.
Big bang by certain people is regarded as the beginning of what "exists" in the sense that we call it.
Hawkings some years ago said that something took soil from the ground and created a mountain and a pit.
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>>14408682 Nothing, there's no reason to believe time exists outside the universe.
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>>14408682 Pre historic atomic particles that came out of nothing