Threads by latest replies - Page 84

(15 replies)
No.14407814 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would AGI finally mean that science has gone too far?
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No.14413133 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, is there any big brain who can decode this :


The clue is : Here's a clue:

Caesar was defeated by the white knight.
But the queens gambit was the key to victory.

It is from this tweet :

I don't really care about the prize just want to know the launch date, you can dm him first when you find.
Pic related is the find of a guy, but I seems there is chess moves.
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(102 replies)
No.14404134 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is there an evolutionary reason for this?
97 posts and 9 images omitted
(19 replies)

if you can't do an OAP you have lived wrong so far

No.14409216 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you can't do an one arm pullup you haven't been living to your utmost potential as a man, therefore your life has not been lived as it should

what is the equivalent of an one arm pullup in science and Mathematics?
14 posts and 2 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.14411718 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any linguist here that can tell me how many of each word gramatical function are there in literary text?

Like how many verbs, nouns, adjectives, particles, conjunctions, interjections are in a literary text.

I have the suspiction 90% of all the words in a literary text are nouns.
I'm guesing the amount of verbs used in literary text to be around 500-800.
The amount of adjectives around 250.
The amount of adverbs around 150.
The amount of conjunctions to be like 70.

And so on.
To me nouns would be 90% of a literary text.

But my data is totally a made up guess.

Would appreciate any paper on this with some realistic numbers.
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(11 replies)
No.14411605 ViewReplyOriginalReport
curious how everybody does their mandelbrot zooms. I tried doing one on my own but I think my computer just isn't built for it it's only an i3. Do I need an i7 to do it right?

vid related: my latest attempt
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(70 replies)
No.14407628 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New science just dropped
65 posts and 13 images omitted
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Cognition Maxing

No.14412648 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m interested in what diets, exercise regimes, hobbies, chores, etc will provide optimal brain function and longevity.

Does anyone know of any reputable resources on this stuff? What do think the efficacy? Worth pursuing or a waste of time?
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