Threads by latest replies - Page 72

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No.14415515 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientific proof of systemic racism
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No.14414154 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>With the rise of modern genetics, the concept of distinct human races in a biological sense has become obsolete. In 2019, the American Association of Biological Anthropologists stated: "The belief in 'races' as natural aspects of human biology, and the structures of inequality (racism) that emerge from such beliefs, are among the most damaging elements in the human experience both today and in the past."

True or False?
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No.14415495 ViewReplyOriginalReport
explain this
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What on earth is a "Sun Sipper"?

No.14412905 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Geology & Paleo-sciences thread

No.14413751 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Discuss rocks, cool extinct animals and everything about pre-human Earth history.
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does anyone have that dinosaur feathers meme

No.14414806 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(22 replies)

Endless Progress Stopped

No.14414679 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What if humanity, either biologically or as a civilization, has hit a local maxima? How can we ensure we don't end up stuck here, a biological tarpit, and instead advance to the next level as a species?
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No.14415084 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If quantum immortality really exists, what about natural aging then?
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No.14409911 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who are the real brainlets of engineering?
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No.14412391 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is at the end of the number theory rabbit hole?

Is there any greater understanding of the universe to be found through the study of prime numbers??
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