Threads by latest replies - Page 71

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No.14414514 ViewReplyOriginalReport
can you guys explain like I'm retarded and 4 years old. terms of service require I be 18 to post here but you can't prove I'm not retarded.

Critical mass is like a waterwheel under a japanese style bamboo water spout. The waterwheel pushes enough water to fill the bamboo shoot to pour over the water wheel to refill it.

The demon core was plutonium (water in this metaphor). Stop me when I'm a retarded baby. The bamboo water spout is then the beryllium, which with the help of a screwdriver is lifted and lowered onto the plutonium. Plutonium being the water.

Tipping the bamboo allows the self perpetuating troll water fountain to start which requires outside assistance to begin but once started can go forever.

By uh oh stinky dropping the beryllium dome the fountain went full retard (super critical) spraying everyone with feces???? (which as we all know causes cancer and gayness and cringe)
(266 replies)
No.14400774 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are electric vehicles ever going to phase out internal combustion vehicles or is it a meme?
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(10 replies)
No.14415902 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The real numbers are fake.
>The imaginary numbers are real.
>Sauce: my autism.
>Change my mind
>PS I suck at math but I like to dabble with SDR which is why I know what a complex number is at all
I never thought I'd get over being lied to by math when someone told me i = sqrt(-1) but I've now embraced the imaginary numbers.
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No.14414432 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do we know all there is to know about forces?
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No.14410144 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is my entire vaxxed family sick with fevers, constant coughing, and fatigue from covid while I (unvaxxed) am just slightly congested? Is it just a matter of luck? Anecdotal experiences keep piling up that the vaccinated are more susceptible to illness but this supposedly isn't reflected in the data. Are everyone I know statistical outliers?
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No.14415621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We've finally unified the Force, it is Love:

that explains quantum gravity
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No.14413380 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A team of 1000 engineers, scientists, and survivalists are dropped in an uninhabitable but fertile land. They have only the clothes on their back and a few bags of high-yield seeds, the product of thousands of years of selective breeding. Their tasks is to build a computer that can render 3D graphics well enough to run a 3D platformer game. Before being dropped they are given every relevant textbook and ample time to commit its most important points to memory. How many years (or generations) does it take until they pull it off?
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Space solar power plants?

No.14410816 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just throwing a cable down to earth won't work?
Some kind of big moving water platform on an ocean to receive the cable and from there to the continent.
Cable should be made from the best conductor of electricity.
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IQ is a meme cope.

No.14415607 ViewReplyOriginalReport
IQ racial gap is the biggest cope, because a low IQ black will be smarter and will outperform intelectually smart but lazy white/asians if he has proper productivity and study methods and he's disciplined and motivated to study/win.

Anything else is just 4chan cope.