Threads by latest replies - Page 63

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Is peoplefolkmade climate change real?

No.14415002 ViewReplyOriginalReport
6 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.14417615 ViewReplyOriginalReport
redpill me on the properties of squares

are they peak brain let?
(8 replies)

Whenever something is heavily censored, does that mean it's true?

No.14417159 ViewReplyOriginalReport
3 posts and 3 images omitted
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I will do an experiment

No.14417481 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is incredibly stupid but I have nothing better to do and this could do some good.

Day 1, 4:31 A.M. UTC time

I can't seem to fall asleep and my thoughts are my personal demons, I need to keep them shut so I will study something from now until I start to barely be able to stay awake while sitting.
(5 replies)
No.14417208 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why am I so absent minded and confused in social situations? my iq is 125, I am generally good at solving problems but I am so retarded when talking to people. Should I nofap? or is it autism?
(18 replies)
No.14414277 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright this time I wrote some actual equations for the Continuum Hypothesis. First I took the limit of the tensor product of Z and R then I showed that the rate of change is faster for the function of R of Z than the rate of change for the function of Z of N. This proves that CH is true once and for all because it shows that the boundaries of R and Z change as functions at a rate corresponding to the inequality in cardinality. I.e. greater density f' is an indication of greater size (cardinality). Unfortunately I have to stop here for today and figure out whether to do the whole list. I know I can finish it this summer and such a database of notes will help me in the future since I plant to do a PhD.
13 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.14416907 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Been taking 1-2mg of Xanax and 50mg -75mg of paroxetine every day since a week ago. Before that the dosage was lower.
I smoke about 10 camel cigarettes, 8 mg tar and 0.7mg nicotine for each, every day.
yesterday I had 2 cans of beer (500+500) and 2 shots of vodka (about 100ml), and when i woke up in the middle of the sleep, my stomach felt like bubbling inside. Now it feels okay.
How long can I maintain this lifestyle? I heard xanax + alcohol = death but I'm not dead yet.
(23 replies)
No.14416199 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>survival of the fittest
I failed bros, my genes aren’t good enough and I won’t take the rape pill
18 posts omitted
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Wtf is up with the collatz conjecture?

No.14417479 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>hits blunt
Alright, so hear me out.
Why are all of these math motherfuckers ignoring that 3x+1 does not work the same on negative numbers? In everything I’ve read, these assholes say that -5 and -17 loops, when in fact it’s an entirely different equation.
In negative land, 3x+1 is really subtracting from the real number. So it would be like saying 3x-1 is the same equation.
If we use the number 5 as an example
It’s totally fucking different.

This makes way more sense and knocks out the notion that there may be other loops. 4,2,1 is the only loop. (Fuck zero, doesn’t count)