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Anonymous (11 replies)
>>14415002 >It turns out that uncertainties in the energetic responses of Earth climate systems are more than 10 times larger than the entire energetic effect of increased CO2.15 This is a lie. His citation is talking about some "range" that does not appear in the source. Not a measure of error. Not bothering with reading the rest.
Deboonk my logic co2 is the main reason for "climate change". Any carbon based lifeform exhales Co2. We are the problem therefore we should kill a lot of people. We can pick the most useless and fast breeding types. In which case i propose we kill all niggers, pajeets and sandniggers(including jews and semites) first(should be about 4.5 bil people or so) Mostly Asians and Whites would remain they are more capable to handle the climate issues without all the dead weight. Then re-evaluate if that solves the "climate change problem". I mean it's simple math . Less people = less eaters and consumers and less pollution. and more lebensraum for the animals and the rest of us. We can use bioengineered viruses, burn crops and create famines, we can use blanket bombing and use armies to genocide. Problems can be solved . We could begin purges in our own nations, to get the ball rolling and then work our way through Africa and Middle east. Please don't think i do this for fun or because i hate some races, i do this because i love the planet and therefore anything goes. In order to make an omelet you must crack some eggs.
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>>14416819 >>14416797 That's bullshit. You guys are full of it.
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>>14417280 >Deboonk my logic >co2 is the main reason for "climate change". >Any carbon based lifeform exhales Co2. >We are the problem therefore we should kill a lot of people. Back-of-the envelope math says all humans together exhale about 7% of human-sourced CO2. Probably lower than that. Just think, instead of typing all of this retarded post you could've spent 2 minutes googling it.
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>>14417280 We do have too many people but killing them is not the solution. We need heavy birth control/sterilization to stop them from mindlessly breeding. Nigerian woman on AVERAGE gives birth to 6.9 children!!! African countries have the highest fertility and they have no regard for their children's future or safety, just squirt them out who cares how they struggle to live or survive
Anonymous (5 replies)
redpill me on the properties of squares
are they peak brain let?
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>>14417615 squares don't exist, a geometric shape with four sides which are exactly equal in length isn't possible, there will always be a slight discrepancy in the sides
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>>14417615 there is no perfect shape.
circles are great.
triangles are great.
squares are great.
but fuck pentagons, man.
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>>14417615 go to bed triangle you're drunk
Anonymous (8 replies)
>>14417159 typing NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER is heavily censored. does it mean its true?
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>>14417507 The angle of the rays prove that the sun would appear right here in the photo if the cloud wasn't blocking it, but they don't say anything about how close the sun is to the camera. It could be 10 billion miles away shining towards us, or sitting directly on top of the cloud shining straight down, or be right in front of the camera shining away from us.
>>14417507 Do you think this image proves that the sun is between the clouds and the ground, shining upwards?
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>>14417608 thats a stupid assertion to make because the undersides of the clouds aren't illuminated in ur pic.
u r retarded
Anonymous (5 replies)
This is incredibly stupid but I have nothing better to do and this could do some good.
Day 1, 4:31 A.M. UTC time
I can't seem to fall asleep and my thoughts are my personal demons, I need to keep them shut so I will study something from now until I start to barely be able to stay awake while sitting.
>>14417481 Day 1, 5:19 A.M. UTC time
I'm seeing black flashes pop up from time to time in my vision, as expected cognition is lower but still functional, sneezing frequently
>>14417550 Day 1, 5:39 A.M. UTC time
Feet extremities are cold, trying to drink water every water to keep myself hydrated, moving around too to help circulation
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>>14417579 Day 1, 6:06 A.M. UTC time
Started committing silly mistakes, I have to exert an active effort to keep concentration, that is, I need to pay attention to whether if I'm zoning off
Anonymous (5 replies)
Why am I so absent minded and confused in social situations? my iq is 125, I am generally good at solving problems but I am so retarded when talking to people. Should I nofap? or is it autism?
>>14417208 You weren't socialized between ages 0-4, after that good luck. I'm in the same boat but way higher IQ, only way I can flow is to front as a narcissist
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>>14417208 Maybe try not thinking so much and just say whatever is on your mind? You'll lose friends this way but the ones who stick around you'll know are the real ones.
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>>14417211 0-9 were when I was most socialized though
>>14417211 I was a chad at 4 and 5, literally the "leader" of the group and they were all my friends
Anonymous (18 replies)
Alright this time I wrote some actual equations for the Continuum Hypothesis. First I took the limit of the tensor product of Z and R then I showed that the rate of change is faster for the function of R of Z than the rate of change for the function of Z of N. This proves that CH is true once and for all because it shows that the boundaries of R and Z change as functions at a rate corresponding to the inequality in cardinality. I.e. greater density f' is an indication of greater size (cardinality). Unfortunately I have to stop here for today and figure out whether to do the whole list. I know I can finish it this summer and such a database of notes will help me in the future since I plant to do a PhD.
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>>14417400 >(a * c, b * c) ~ (a, b) my bad, it's (a, b) ~ (c, d) <=> a * d = b * c
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>>14414277 This is some vixra-tier shit. Sorry bro, you are not cut out for the big league.
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>>14414912 >where on the graph of the density the cardinality is nearly missing Lemme guess, in the neighborhood if infinity?
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>>14414912 >where on the graph of the density the cardinality is nearly missing Lemme guess, in the neighborhood of infinity?
Anonymous (5 replies)
So what historic crossovers have there been between politics and math?
Anonymous (5 replies)
Been taking 1-2mg of Xanax and 50mg -75mg of paroxetine every day since a week ago. Before that the dosage was lower.
I smoke about 10 camel cigarettes, 8 mg tar and 0.7mg nicotine for each, every day.
yesterday I had 2 cans of beer (500+500) and 2 shots of vodka (about 100ml), and when i woke up in the middle of the sleep, my stomach felt like bubbling inside. Now it feels okay.
How long can I maintain this lifestyle? I heard xanax + alcohol = death but I'm not dead yet.
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>>14416907 Was on 2-6 mg Xanax a day for over a decade. Xanax and alcohol amplify each other, so don't mix unless you want blackouts, lost memory, and doing stupid shit more than usual. Yes, you can OD more easily when mixing. Not worth being on and doctors are moving away from benzos in general. Better to quit early.
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what cigarette has .8 mg of nicotine?
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>>14416907 destroy the jews and you will live in a paradise more pleasurable than you can currently imagine on even the most powerful drugs
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>>14416907 Ask Johnny Depp. He is still alive. Many other celebreties are too and they are known for going heavy on drugs (because they can afford).
Anonymous (23 replies)
>survival of the fittest
I failed bros, my genes aren’t good enough and I won’t take the rape pill
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Why would you care about the world of the living, when you are dead? You either cease to exist, or if you do, you would now care about this other plane of existence you live in. The best play is not to care about anything after your physical death.
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>>14417267 >The next gen will be 1 inch taller than zoomers. And 10 IQ points dumber.
>>14416199 Take the rape pill anon
Find a girls with bad PTSD and family issues and then rape
You have to abuse the fuck out of her so she gets Stockholm syndrome and can't live without you.
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>>14417377 that doesn't sound like rape, you psycho
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>>14416229 That's what OPs pic did.
Anonymous (5 replies)
>hits blunt
Alright, so hear me out.
Why are all of these math motherfuckers ignoring that 3x+1 does not work the same on negative numbers? In everything I’ve read, these assholes say that -5 and -17 loops, when in fact it’s an entirely different equation.
In negative land, 3x+1 is really subtracting from the real number. So it would be like saying 3x-1 is the same equation.
If we use the number 5 as an example
It’s totally fucking different.
This makes way more sense and knocks out the notion that there may be other loops. 4,2,1 is the only loop. (Fuck zero, doesn’t count)
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>>14417479 > pass the blunt bro The Conjecture only applies for:
g(x) = x / 2
h(x) = 3 * x + 1
By changing the sign on h, you are changing the sequence. Change anything else about the functions and you'll get different results too. It's not unique to negatives.