Threads by latest replies - Page 62

(27 replies)
No.14416933 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I the only female girl around here who doesn't understand partial derivatives? Why would you assume that a VARIABLE is a CONSTANT? Like what the fuck is the logic behind that? Isn't that like saying that REAL numbers are COMPLEX?
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(33 replies)

Scientists and doctors should be rounded up and shot in the near future.

No.14417054 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Help Building Discpline/Focus with ADD

No.14417664 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been struggling throughout college pursuing a Bachelors in Engineering. I want it, but I have shitty discpline and am working on being less of a coomer. So far coffee has given me some mixed help but I am definitely sure I do not want to get back on Adderal again. Any advice??
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do not "Trust The Science"...

No.14417750 ViewReplyOriginalReport the Corporate Agenda, instead.
>In the 1940s and ’50s, Hooker Chemical dumped about 20,000 tons of toxic waste into Love Canal, eventually covering it with soil and selling the land to the city
>of Niagara Falls for a dollar. The city built a school on it, and houses sprang up around it. For years, residents would smell strange odors in their homes,
>and kids would see chemicals bubbling up on the playground, but it wasn’t until the late 1970s that local officials began to take notice. Eventually, testing revealed
>dangerous levels of toxic chemicals, along with increased rates of certain cancers in adults, as well as seizures, learning disabilities, and kidney problems in children.
(5 replies)

And the angel said to descartes:

No.14417715 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"The conquest of nature will be achieved by number and measure"
And modern science was created... by Descartes, or the “angel”?
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(14 replies)
No.14417270 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>social life
>somehow you're expected to fit ALL of this shit in 16 hours because if you don't get at least 8 hours of sleep a night it screws with your brain
So how the fuck do I make my body require less sleep without winning the genetic lottery like Kobe did?
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(12 replies)
No.14417478 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
>after this random atoms flew around for NO REASON until they randomly happened to create the extremely delicate and precise conditions life could exist in on earth, thanks to the nothing that exploded exploding into just the right subatomic conditions that could support consciousness
>then the random atoms started to become alive because... well because they just randomly did, okay. they started to replicate by accident and made germs
>and the germs changed into fish that randomly by pure chance particle spasms developed into extremely complex organs to capture light and represent images to a conscious brain that had a precisely balanced chemical makeup that the random spastic atoms from the big morning that created everything happened to make
>and then these water breathing fish started to breathe oxygen because... well because of the autistic whizzing aimless atoms, and then in a gorillion years the fish were monkeys because... because they just fucking were!!!!
>and that’s why you are here
>and everything you see and can conceive of just happens to be there because of the unconscious totally senseless collision of atoms that the nothing created that somehow just happened to pinball until they made an accurate representation of reality inside the most complex organ in existence and this was all meaningless and random and just happened to occur
>oh yes, and despite all this my specific political, moral and scientific beliefs about this ludicrously insane complicated world my random atom brain that exists on extremely delicate perfect conditions just happened to evolve to understand, and that the determined and causal chemicals in said brain made me believe, are undeniably true and you’re a chud if you don’t think the same
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Logic & reasoning pop quiz

No.14417614 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Logic & reasoning pop quiz:
Are you high IQ enough to figure out why is the sunblock is left unsecured without any further hints?
(13 replies)

gender science taxonomy

No.14417269 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Given the gender transitioning is possible, doesn't that mean thats its impossible to untransition? Wouldn't the undoing of a successful gender transition just be the same as a subsequent transition to a 3rd new gender?
If someone gender transitions and then goes back, that just means they twice as much of a tranny as someone with only one successful transition.
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