Threads by latest replies - Page 54

(25 replies)
No.14416439 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What kind of math do I need to learn to understand this structural geology textbook
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No.14417885 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you think we trapped in a time loop? It seems to me that it is inevitable that everything repeats infinitely many times given infinite time. If you do or do not, explain your reasoning.
6 posts omitted
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No.14419422 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there minerals in earth we havent found yet thats going to be more expensive than diamonds and emeralds? theoretically speaking.
Or are we sure that we have found everything earth has to offer already?
(29 replies)
No.14418478 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not my problem
24 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.14419879 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let’s say hypothetically dinosaurs evolved refined intelligence like human beings. How much harder would it be for a creature of that size to travel space?
What is the optimal size from a physics stand point to travel space?
(19 replies)
No.14417516 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you had the resources and tech to build a Dyson sphere, you wouldn't need to build one.

It would be like inventing internal combustion engines in order to construct an impractically huge horse cart.
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No.14419884 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, I don't know much about physics, nuclear energy and stuff beyond what popsci magazines show, but I've been reading about high temp superconductors, specifically REBCO tapes and how they seem promising. However, I then read about ARC, which is supposed to be a fusion reactor that uses the tech to manage plasmas for nuclear fusion.
However, I noticed that their website only says ARC will produce "plasmas which generate more energy than they consume, becoming the first net-energy fusion machine", yet they don't explain how, and apparently have not even tested the tech before...:
Is this bullshit and a scam or something?

Pic unrelated.
(5 replies)
No.14420131 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous thread: >>14395827
How does one analyze a country's economy? Is it necessary to know their economic history?
(24 replies)

Problem for /sci/ to solve

No.14411604 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does picrel have a positive integer solution for every 'n' when n > 1?
19 posts and 3 images omitted
(17 replies)


No.14417653 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post some books on improving my thinking. I went from a struggling B student to a coasting A math student in one year thank to the pic related.
12 posts omitted