Threads by latest replies - Page 52

(34 replies)
No.14417920 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did dinosaurs have feathers?
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(326 replies)

/mg/ - maths general

No.14397291 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previously >>14369607

Mike Shulman edition.

Talk maths.
321 posts and 53 images omitted
(17 replies)
No.14415929 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's say you achieved nuclear fusion net power generation in your backyard shed. How would you go about distributing this power to the rest of humanity?

-Would you send the instructions to a scientific journal?
-Would you upload your instructions to social media?
-Would you try to sell it to the highest bidder?
-Would you keep the knowledge to yourself and try to make as much money as possible?
-anything else....

Personally I would choose the first option and send the instructions to a scientific journal anonymously. I wouldn't want all the fame that comes along with it.
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(5 replies)

Alternative counting systems, what secret do female breasts hide

No.14420617 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Math uses 123456789...
Computers use 0123456789...
What about 023456789...
(43 replies)
No.14411300 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>need to take diffeq in fall
>every diff eq class is at 8am
how the fuck am i supposed to learn this shit
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(52 replies)

How would humanity react to encountering another sapient species?

No.14410521 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ever since the dawn of time, humans have always been accustomed to interacting with their own kind, which range from war, diplomacy, philosophy, religion and socialisation, they have always thought of themselves as special somehow, above the animals, chosen by god, etc, the list go on and on but what would happen in case the unthinkable happens? Encountering another species that is as sapient as humans, if not more intelligent? What hysterical reactions would spread from different groups and ideologies? Religious extremists? Ecstatic scientists? Overheated philosophists? It would awaken fears and uncertainties buried deep down in the subconsciousness of man

What do you think could arise from such an astonishing discovery?
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(19 replies)


No.14419985 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are people silent on this? The Earth's magnetic fields are weakening at a faster rate now. 5% each year, or 1% every 72 days. If you remember the function of the Earth's magnetic fields, then you'd be scared right now, as I am.

Weaker fields mean more ultraviolet radiation are able to hit earth, heating it up more and more, driving the climate change. This is why the IPCC won't include the sun in their data sets, because it's actually the sun causing climate change, not people.

This also heats up fresh-water ice cooling the underwater jet streams, which causes an ice age if they get too cold. (We are actually overdue a major ice age)

When the fields complete their shift, its GG to 90% of all life on earth. You think the governments are just going to keep lying until the very fucking last second?

Previous thread >>>/pol/373953385
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(19 replies)
No.14415240 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What was the most interesting notable constructive paper in science last month? Anything missing in the Wikipedia article section this is based on? How could these works be used and what's your view about science at the fundamental level in regards to it as a service to society (organizational structures, priorities, efficiency, workforce/junior scientists, tools, metascience etc)?

For example last month there also were reports about a new "Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health" (ARPA-H) in the US. Should such things (including budget decisions) be included/aggregated there or somewhere too? What do you think about ARPA-H for example...were there ever threads about things like this (why are most thread-starters here still about vacuous topics and instead of meaningful meta/scientific issues)?

Do you integrate new scientific results somewhere, use scientometrics or develop anything related? I find the meaning, meta and usefulness aspects of science the most interesting, more interesting than e.g. curiosity- or job-driven execution of scientific work itself.
Science as a service to, stewardship of and goal of society seems to get severely neglected (for example it's still me who integrates most of the studies above into Wikipedia).
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(8 replies)

He was right about literally everything.

No.14416834 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(5 replies)

What is the science behind sighing?

No.14420474 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I often sigh when I'm tired and I feel like people perceive it as me sighing because I find them boring/ uninteresting.
Why do people get the urge to sigh when they are tired and why do others take it negatively.