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No.14421816 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some cool discoveries in the current research frontier of Computer Science?
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No.14421649 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do all events happen without withholding information? If amalgamation is the hardest process then why is it so useful?
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I am in need of assistance.

No.14421849 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a formula for when you want to multiply the product of an equation by the same factor over and over again?

So let's say i have one dollar and i bet it on a game with a quoata of 1.1.
I win, now i have $1.10.
Now i take the $1.10 and bet it again on a game with 1.1 quota.

So an equation where one variable is the bet, one the quota, and one the amount of multiplications.
Like let's say i want to find out how much money i can make with 1 dollar by winning a certain number of bets, all with a 1.1 quota, always going all in with the previous winnings.
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No.14419827 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could there have been multiple species that evolved to be as intelligent as humans, and would we ever have coexisted?
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Artificial Intelligence golden afge

No.14417802 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can you look at stuff like this and not realize that most humans on this planet will be obsolete in 20~30 years? We are living in the golden age of AI and the advances are coming so fast now that it's hard to keep up with everything that's new. In 10 years these AI will be completely indistinguishable from the average person online.
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What's the point of science that can't be used in engineering?

No.14420821 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you can't use the scientific model to engineer anything is there really any value to it? Like if you find an unsolvable equation of everything, what use is there to it if it's unsolvable? So what if nature works according to your equation if nobody can't use it to build anything? It reduces to nothing but mental masturbation and philosophy. An equation of everything that gives you nothing is like saying 1=1 and praising it for being the most general equation in the universe.

I'm not saying science has to be useful all of the time cause for sure it can take 100s of years before an application is found. I'm saying scientists need to actively tailor their equations to be useful in engineering and economy and then maybe it won't take 100s of years. Every physicist learns about pulling levers and electrical circuits in school. Well, those are man made aren't they? These silly toys like pic rel have also been built by engineers. Now, it's time to tell us how to make a black hole here on earth or we're building a rocket to blow this thing up.

I'm calling out cosmologists string theory niggers and mathfags for not making their theories for not naking their models applicable to economy, engineering, medicine, or virtally anything. It's time to give back.
>inb4 engineers are gay
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(70 replies)
No.14414588 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>been able to visualize complex 3d planes in my head since i was a kid
>pick up on things faster than anyone around me
>able to predict what others would say before they say it, or what would happen next in a movie before it happens
>know more facts and ideas than anyone I know
>already know, through intuition, most scientific theories being taught in schools before they teach me about them

>still broke and alone at 29 years old

what's the scientific way to destroy the system which doesn't allow this to happen to hyper gifted children?
65 posts and 6 images omitted
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No.14421687 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14420762 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is he right or retarded?
6 posts omitted