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!!xtz1qlmqUx2 (5 replies)

God Equation, potentially, Answered; Eureka, EUREKA, EUREKA!!!:

!!xtz1qlmqUx2 No.14422388 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The, “H.A.I.C.S.’ Theory of God.”

Namefagging and samefagging this thread so I can keep it secular and on-topic with the board (and because of word limits). Just know that this post/report is just on behalf someone who I know who I am posting on behalf of, since he asked me to make this, knowing my hobby as an author, and journalistic training.

>pics-semi related,
It’s from a folder of what he asked me to attach to my posts.
(29 replies)
No.14418935 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any way a man with CAIS can masculinize and live as his sex?
(ways to fix the androgen receptors, ways to activate the androgen receptors without androgens, ways to masculinize without using androgen receptors...)
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(6 replies)

scientists used the Banach-Tarski paradox to clone Dolly the sheep

No.14418044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
so this guy claims that scientists used the Banach-Tarski paradox to clone Dolly the sheep
is he right?
the Banach–Tarski paradox describes cellular division and is limited by the amount of energy available in the system,no?
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(23 replies)
No.14420117 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was the problem the amount of blood she promised? So what? Why not take more? It is that easy, at least the device would be portable...
Serious answers plz
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(5 replies)
No.14422418 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Only time exists.

Space fabric between stars and planets simply does not exist. Mass, motion and space are holographic illusions created by massless particles which transfer information nearly laterally through time.

Massless particles travel NEARLY laterally through time. Particles with "mass" travel nearly vertically through time.

Look at your palms.

The only thing separating your eyes and your palms is time. Your palms exist in the future relative to your retina and it takes some finite amount of time for photons to reach your retina. Therefore, you are observing your future palms as they were in the past. You can bring your palms closer to your eyes, but this does nothing to bring them closer in time. The amount of energy required to bring your palms into time with your retina is found in the singularity of a blackhole.
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(329 replies)
No.14405033 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are an eighth grade math teacher, and you've just finished showing your class how to find increasingly close decimal approximations to by squaring decimals and testing if the result is less than or greater than 2. You tell them that if you continued this process forever, you would obtain an infinite decimal which is the exact square root of 2.

One of your students, David, raises his hand.
>That's bull-,
he says, stopping himself short of cursing in class.
>You said yourself that it's impossible for a terminating decimal have a square of exactly 2. At each step in this process you add a small amount to the number, but at each step the square will fall short of 2. Continuing forever won't change this. You'll always have a number whose square is less than 2. This is just like last year when Miss Keeki tried to tell us that 0.999... equals 1.
(Miss Keeki had given her class the common 10x - x = 9 argument, but David had never been convinced by it.)

Kate raises her hand and you let her speak.
>He might have a point. I saw a video on Youtube where this Australian math professor said that infinite decimals don't really work. Maybe there is no square root of 2.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to prove, based on your preferred axioms or construction of real numbers, that there is in fact a positive real number whose square is 2. Bonus points if the proof would be understandable and convincing to an eighth grader like David.
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(5 replies)

Implicit bias test

No.14422922 ViewReplyOriginalReport

What are your results, /sci/? You're not a racist, right?
(27 replies)

How do you cope with low IQ

No.14421036 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I took a professional IQ test when applying to work at a firm. I got 110.
Looks like I'm clinically retarded. Still got the job but I'm not happy
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(13 replies)
No.14422370 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How is it scientifically possible that a literal gypsy/ self identified Untermensch has made it to 6'9" and 190iq?

How could this be possible?

This culture is anti iq/intellectual and has no selection pressure on iq for female/males

They're the poorest of the poor and choose not to live on welfare despite being in abject poverty.

Their culture surrounds committing petty crime/street fighting/having sex with family members/ living on land in trailers you don't own

How are they still reliably producing ultra uber humans?
Just the height alone is shocking... the normal irishman is 6 inches shorter than even the poorest Englishman....
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