Threads by latest replies - Page 40

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No.14424155 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I jump from 13 floor and slit my throat mid air, what is the probability that I'll die? How much will I suffer?
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TikTok Society and Its Futur

No.14423345 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Male Pattern Baldness

No.14422838 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there an evolutionary reason for it?
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(14 replies)
No.14422868 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got home from the hospital a few days ago, and the sites where they put chest tubes in me are sore. I'm trying not to move too fast and taking a little ibuprofen, but what else can I do to manage the pain while the muscles heal up?
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(63 replies)
No.14415587 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Completed infinity is theology and not mathematics. Change my mind.
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(28 replies)
No.14420163 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine being such a retarded motherfucker that you seriously think that the sum of all natural numbers equals - 1/12
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(13 replies)
No.14423586 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the thermodynamic equilibrium unique?
According to Wikipedia it is:
"Thermodynamic equilibrium is the unique stable stationary state that is approached or eventually reached as the system interacts with its surroundings over a long time."
but there is no citation.

Is it really true that there is only a single (1) state a system can be in to be considered a minimum energy maximum entropy state?
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No.14424021 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am a brainlet good in logic but I always had trouble with numbers. So I dropped out of math classes very quickly and never got past fractions. How can I learn math by myself and catch up? I would like to start from the basics and go as far as I can. Do you have any good resources for brainlets? Books that explain well and from the start.
(30 replies)

Scientism and Anti-Science

No.14421361 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should we "trust the science" bros? The Richard Dawkins and Neil Degrasse Tyson "I fucking love science" people are highly cringe, but the anti-science crowd are also brainlets. I think there's a middle ground here.
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