Focus is probably a huge part of intelligence. I took vyvanse and it was fucking amazing for focusing 12+ hours and ignoring my inclination to eat so much. I don't know if the quality of my work was just as good though. Is there a way to naturally train your focus, beyond the whole delete social media thing and just slowly training it more? Is taking drugs just a meme or will it help me 10x my productivity
Threads by latest replies - Page 38
If the many worlds interpretation is correct and we assume that the universal wavefunction originates from the Big Bang, could there be other waves ahead and behind our own? If you could travel across waves could you travel to not just to other worlds but also worlds that are back or forward in time, independent from the original one?
Why is it defined this way? What's the intuition behind it? How could Lagrange come up with it? Why K-U and not U-K or does that make no fundamental difference and is simply a convention?
Why is it defined this way? What's the intuition behind it? How could Lagrange come up with it? Why K-U and not U-K or does that make no fundamental difference and is simply a convention?
>email the famous scientists that created the theory you work on
>they say that my idea is very interesting and sent me some relevant articles
>they say that my idea is very interesting and sent me some relevant articles
At the request of a fellow autistic anon (>>14377534) I created this thread.
wtf is his problem? why are biologists like this?
wtf is his problem? why are biologists like this?
I know that Star fighters ill never really be a thing, but what about the feasibility of a sports version? Like a starfighter version of paintball? That would be pretty fun.
ISO Standards
No.14424007 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14424126 >>14424223 >>14424549 >>14424650
Is there a way to get the pdf's without need to pay?
Even old standards would be fine. I know there is this russian site that has them in russian, but it's very incomplete, they have like the 1% of them and they need manual translation.
Are there websites offering leaked pdf's of ISO standards for free?
I specifically need this one: ISO 6178-1983:
Centrifuges — Construction and safety rules — Method for the calculation of the tangential stress in the shell of a cylindrical centrifuge rotor
Thanks bros
Even old standards would be fine. I know there is this russian site that has them in russian, but it's very incomplete, they have like the 1% of them and they need manual translation.
Are there websites offering leaked pdf's of ISO standards for free?
I specifically need this one: ISO 6178-1983:
Centrifuges — Construction and safety rules — Method for the calculation of the tangential stress in the shell of a cylindrical centrifuge rotor
Thanks bros
makes sense to me
I remember how graphene won the Nobel Prize for chemistry when I was in high school. They talked about how carbon nanotubes are the future because they're a billion times stronger and a trillion times lighter than steel. And now it'll be in everything including cars, trucks, trains, and bikes.
Fast forward over a decade later, this shit is still not commonly widespread.
What gives?
Fast forward over a decade later, this shit is still not commonly widespread.
What gives?