Threads by latest replies - Page 37

(20 replies)
No.14419649 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>want to pause weed use for a month or so to prove to myself I can
>have had no problem stopping it when prevented
>but just can't stop when I have it
>its too fun
>always find a reason why my reasons to pause don't make sense
If my tolerance went up that would be one thing but just day after day I enjoy getting blasted, give me reasons that weed is unhealthy or making me gay or something
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(5 replies)
No.14424667 ViewReplyOriginalReport
besides ramanujan and heaviside has anyone else withou a degree in maths contributed to math/physics?
(7 replies)

/STFG/: STEM to Finance General

No.14424086 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the STEM to Finance General!
This thread exists to discuss finance career from a STEM perspective.
>Discussion of good career paths given your degree.
>Questions regarding how finance works and how to break into finance
>Or anything in relation to finance from a STEM perspective

Resources for basic financial jargon and how finance careers work:

Every single job in pic related either makes over $100,000 straight out of college, or has a path to six figures within your first two years out of college. If this beats your current salary expectations then I suggest you start looking into a finance career.
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Science & Math Pet Peeves

No.14423721 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start. I hate when people use percentages instead of fractions, especially "33%" instead of "1/3"
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(14 replies)

haplogroups arent real

No.14423635 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Nootropics thread

No.14415847 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you guys recommend? What do you take?
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No.14423872 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We discuss psychiatry's dark history.
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Any sauce on this?

No.14424674 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I tried looking up Israel Institute of Medical Science and it does not exist.

Reverse image search hints that it is actually a r/nootropics survey, but haven't went down that rabbit hole.

Also corn syrup is listed as a nootropic. Never heard of that before.
(76 replies)
No.14416870 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Serious question: what would Picrelated look like?
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(21 replies)
No.14421306 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts on Griffiths?
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