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Time Crystal

No.13459083 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Apparently physicists managed to make a "time crystal" using Google's quantum computer. The more sensational normie media outlets are saying shit like this being the most important discovery of all time and potentially making "warp drives" possible one day. How important is this actually?
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What makes people prone to faith?

No.13482477 ViewReplyOriginalReport
By faith I mean believing without direct evidence or examining the arguments or just taken from an authority.
This can take several forms whether theistic or not. They all seem to have contradictions as a strengthening factor ironically too.
>3 gods that are actually one.
>It might not make sense, but it is true.

>The more you dilute the natural medicine, the stronger it becomes
>It might not make sense, but it is true. Here are some “studies” and anecdotal stories.

>There is more different within races than between them.
>It might not make sense, but it is true, because “science” says so.

These are examples that come to mind, and I might have my own nonsensical beliefs that I am yet to be aware of, but this phenomena happen everywhere. One could argue people like to be parts of tribes and loyal to the tribe to the point of faith, and I can see the evolutionary benefit of this, however, what makes it near impossible to deal with? It’s like a primitive switch in the brain we have no control of.
How does it work mechanistically? What happens in the brain that triggers this?
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what would happen if human semen met plants?

No.13464476 ViewReplyOriginalReport
by that i mean, what would happen if you tried to fertilize a plant ovules with human semen?
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No.13464741 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sci Fi depictions of a blasterd overpolluted, overpopulated Earth bereft of natutal resources is a fear of a bygone era. It isn't likely to happen.

Our technological advancements have already pushed us beyond the points of apocalyptic Maltusian predictions. We are able to feed more people and are more efficient with our resources. We aren't running out of fossil fuels any time soon and we habe become more efficient in it's consumption and we are learning to synthesize fuels. I don't know why we are still being pusjed apocalyptic crap.
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No.13479585 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I found this on the youtube suggestions, so I thought "I'm bored, I'll try doing this without actually looking at the video". I'm kinda rusty at math but this is what I came up with.
Feel free to shit on my horrible math skills.
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Better luck next time

No.13479769 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Be me. Live in Geneva in the most secure, richest country in the world. Having litterally a portal to hell 300 feet below me.

Better luck next time
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No.13481567 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sometimes I leave the fan on overnight because it's too stuffy in my room over the summer. I feel like this is causing EMF flakes to come down upon me and mess with my brain. I do not feel safe in my room.

My apartment is right next to 4 huge power lines, which completely obscure my view of the trees beyond it. I am constantly stressed out feeling like these EMFs are destroying my rhythm.

I do not know what is wrong with me. I know this is completely irrational but I cant shake these suppositions away. My feeble mind is barely able to type this out. Operating at 10% constantly.

Please tell me it isn't real.
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Cloning Thread

No.13482128 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are clones typically born with genetic defects and live much shorter live than the original? Also, why is cloning research outlawed in the US?
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