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Anonymous (92 replies)
Why can't mothers hang on to their newborn?
>>13471976 Most of the time it's to cut off their baby foreskins (with no anesthetic which of course is torture and affects brain function shockingly) often without even talking to both parents. Can't really torture a baby with the mother around
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>>13482894 *father
except I guess those hyper christcucked fathers
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>>13482894 The Jews realized too. Originally the infant was held on the mother's lap while the cutting was done, but they transitioned to the mother giving the child to a designated male, who would take the child to the house where the circumcision would be done, who would then hand it off to yet another male, who would finally deliver it to the mohel. It would seem that Jewish women in the earlier days couldn't reliably handle their child's mutilationa dn torment anymore than a goy.
>>13482777 Wow I wonder if it could be your insanely retarded healthcare system that literally no other "developed" country uses
Anonymous (6 replies)
How likely is another carrington evrnt? Uncle Ben says the Solar kill shot will likely happen real soon. Like in the next few years.
Have we really not prepared for this?
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None, Carrington died ages ago.
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>>13481762 Because im a schizo
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>>13481758 Imagine the vaccines were lethal but it was because the elite were trying to do their best to save everyone from the chaos Mad Max-eqsue pandemonium that would ensue after it happened.
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>how likely is another carrington event 50%, is either happens or it doesnt.>how about an actual answer 100%. but when?
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>>13481758 We're in a solar minimum so very unlikely for the next few years. We do have the capability to mitigate the damage, and it's unlikely anything more than a regional black out for about a day will occur. The main issue right now is the centralization of the grid, outdated infrastructure remains, and there still isn't a way to replace transformers quickly.
Anonymous (12 replies)
>London tops the list for the third time in a row, thanks to its world-class universities and top opportunities for graduates. Munich comes second, with Seoul and Tokyo in joint third.
Are they counting Oxbridge as London?
>>13481454 Is it true that grad students get treated like slave labor in the UK? The stipends I'm seeing are way lower than what you get in Scandi countries or even Germany and France.
No wonder it's mostly rich Changs and Pajeets that go to the UK for studies.
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>>13482603 That applies to Boston too though you're more likely to get stabbed by a someone who identifies as Irish in Boston than in London.
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>>13482741 all immigrants get treated like slave labour in basically every country unless they already have great wealth
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Boston is OK for education and tech jobs. Otherwise living in Massachusetts fucking sucks. The weather sucks, the food sucks, the people are cold and prudish. And living independently with any financial stability and quality of life in Boston proper is impossible unless you earn $100K+. Public transportation and social programs are OK, making life manageable for the working class as long as you live in a soulless suburb or one of the urban areas. Or if you're a tourist there are some museums and shit worth seeing. But plenty of tourist traps and the public beaches are filled with litter.
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Boston is OK for education and tech jobs. Otherwise living in Massachusetts fucking sucks. The weather sucks, the food sucks, the people are cold and prudish. And living independently with any financial stability and quality of life in Boston proper is impossible unless you earn $100K+. And that's spreading to Cambridge and all the other urban parts, housing prices are impossibly high for a even a hole in the wall and just never coming down. Public transportation and social programs are OK, making life manageable for the working class as long as you live in a soulless suburb of one of the urban areas or get lucky with subsidized housing. Or if you're a tourist there are some museums and shit worth seeing. But plenty of tourist traps and the public beaches are filled with litter.
Anonymous (19 replies)
Computers beat me at everything I tell them to. How can we create something that can beat us at our own games? AI thread.
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>>13482710 Have fun getting your consciousness zipbombed by Russians. I'm sure that'll be real fun.
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Let's say you have an AI system which can understand and write natural language at a human or superhuman level. It can learn arbitrary facts from language, reason about them with consideration to the sources in which they were learned, and craft sensible responses. What more than that is required for AGI?
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>>13478405 >humans are advanced intelligences and get along well enough With each other. Everything else we either farm or exterminate.
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>>13478351 That's because most current research in AI/ML is boring and underwhelming. People's imaginations have gotten far ahead of reality which makes for rather mundane conversation. Which is unfortunate because lots of important work happens in the mundane.
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>>13479194 just implement it in PyTorch it will take like a half hour max unless you're retarded
Anonymous (41 replies)
One heavy booster, one starship, lauching pad almost complete.
>Fuck Bezos
>Fuck thundersoi
>Fuck oldspace
>Fuck haters
>Fuck Boca Chica environmentalists
>Fuck Bernie gib me dat
>Fuck lefties
>Fuck niggers
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>>13478223 hardly a race, spacex is lightyears ahead of everyone else
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I like the idea of a redneck in his pick up truck hauling some raptor engine
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>>13477047 don't forget they already had a partially successful Falcon 9 mission where an engine went out mid-flight. They just throttle up the remaining engines slightly and adjust for the off-center thrust.
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>>13475967 muthafuck dre muthafuck snoop muthafuck deathrow here comes my left blow.
moot gooderman (16 replies)
The core of the problem in the minds of those who believe more than 1 is 1 is this:
Their inability to comprehend that "1.000..." isn't the same as "1" is directly tied to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilities. Over the course of many generations of indoctrination into an alien worldview, their parents and their parents etc gradually "learned" to be unable to comprehend it and this "learned disability" was inherited, and encouraged/fueled by various external factors from the echoing modern culture.
So basically, they're mentally damaged.
This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.
This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically (((Christianity))) for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. (((Christianity))) introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending at a point B, whereas in the Native European worldview everything is an infinite circle.
That's why many people today can't understand that 1.000 repeating forever will never reach 1 - they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to their Judaically-induced mental disease.
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>>13479781 this is an issue with definitions and notation, due to the nature of mathematics axioms can be defined at whims and so you can conceivably make any statement true, but the language of mathematics is put in place for the purposes of communication, which your post fails to acknowledge
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>>13479781 call that zero-point energy
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this shit is fundamentally unimportant and a gigantic waste of energy
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hey guys, what do you think of THIS theorem
Anonymous (5 replies)
Are the Chinese doing anything interesting in astronomy?
>>13482767 They're only getting into it.
I know they've opened their FAST telescope to the world recently (about two years ago) which is now a semi replacement for the Arecibo Telescope that was destroyed.
>>13482767 >Are the Chinese doing anything interesting in astronomy? Yes, instead of looking at planets like fucking retards, they are going to build bases in all the solar system to study the planets and moons themselves.
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>>13482803 settle down, chang
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>>13482778 There's no receiver... It's just a dish that does nothing... What's the point of that?
Anonymous (5 replies)
What's the difference? Is one worse than the other? Easier to treat? Why is there no hepatites A?
Anonymous (27 replies)
Daily reminder that the thinking White man does not neglect his philosophy studies in his journey through mathematics. "Philosophy was superseded by science" is a blatant nonsensical sentence spoken by true idiots who paradoxically subscribe to the Jewish deliriums of nihilism that they call post modernism that only make sense in the head of females and effeminate men.
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I got degrees in CS/math Along the way I took two philosophy courses Philosophy is cool but there is no reason to take classes on it when you can instead just read the books yourself before bed
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>>13468336 You are not white, amerishart. Quit concerning yourself about the "White man" does or doesn't and self implode away.
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>>13468336 Are you a Muslim by any chance? Sandniggers are the only demographics I can think of that subscribes to all of that bullshit you've just spouted.
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>>13468956 T. Knows nothing about philosophy
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>>13474094 He means dudes fucking dudes and not wage slaving for a dependa all their lives.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Choice & Imperative exist on a gradient, these concepts do not exist within a binary system of actions.
Pic unrelated?
Solivagus (????)
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>>13482347 Pic is so related that you should start a religion or political movement around it.
Solivagus (????)
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>>13482347 Also choice and imperative translate better into priority vs. preference.
My preference is to eat right now, but the priority is to breath consciously. Between these two systems of actions the gradient I need to take in order to satisfy both requires this.
Solivagus (????)
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>>20572016 Now with even more pervasive a reality that never respects it's audience!
Welcome to FUCKU2!