Threads by latest replies - Page 3137

(92 replies)

How did it come to this?

No.13471976 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why can't mothers hang on to their newborn?
87 posts and 8 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.13481758 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How likely is another carrington evrnt? Uncle Ben says the Solar kill shot will likely happen real soon. Like in the next few years.

Have we really not prepared for this?
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(12 replies)
No.13481454 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>London tops the list for the third time in a row, thanks to its world-class universities and top opportunities for graduates. Munich comes second, with Seoul and Tokyo in joint third.
Are they counting Oxbridge as London?
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(19 replies)
No.13478302 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Computers beat me at everything I tell them to. How can we create something that can beat us at our own games? AI thread.
14 posts and 2 images omitted
(41 replies)

It`s alive!

No.13475967 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One heavy booster, one starship, lauching pad almost complete.

>Fuck Bezos
>Fuck thundersoi
>Fuck oldspace
>Fuck haters
>Fuck Boca Chica environmentalists
>Fuck Bernie gib me dat
>Fuck lefties
>Fuck niggers
36 posts and 7 images omitted
(16 replies)

Did this ever get disproved?

No.13479781 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The core of the problem in the minds of those who believe more than 1 is 1 is this:

Their inability to comprehend that "1.000..." isn't the same as "1" is directly tied to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilities. Over the course of many generations of indoctrination into an alien worldview, their parents and their parents etc gradually "learned" to be unable to comprehend it and this "learned disability" was inherited, and encouraged/fueled by various external factors from the echoing modern culture.

So basically, they're mentally damaged.

This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.

This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically (((Christianity))) for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. (((Christianity))) introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending at a point B, whereas in the Native European worldview everything is an infinite circle.

That's why many people today can't understand that 1.000 repeating forever will never reach 1 - they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to their Judaically-induced mental disease.
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Chinese astronomy

No.13482767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are the Chinese doing anything interesting in astronomy?
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(27 replies)
No.13468336 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that the thinking White man does not neglect his philosophy studies in his journey through mathematics. "Philosophy was superseded by science" is a blatant nonsensical sentence spoken by true idiots who paradoxically subscribe to the Jewish deliriums of nihilism that they call post modernism that only make sense in the head of females and effeminate men.
22 posts and 6 images omitted
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No.13482347 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Choice & Imperative exist on a gradient, these concepts do not exist within a binary system of actions.

Pic unrelated?