Threads by latest replies - Page 3135

(5 replies)
No.13483174 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I like to read erotica. Text based porn, basically.

How long until I can get my hands on a version of GPT-3 built to be a sex chat bot?

I'd like to get some AI help for writing my own stories.
(5 replies)
No.13482880 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, if the vaccine will make my cells get the Corona virus spike proteins and then those cells will get killed by my immune system?
Why would I willingly take a vaccine that does that?
(12 replies)
No.13480981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the red bits in the orange?
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(369 replies)


No.13475117 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This shit is spike protein based. It means it is not safer than MRNA or vector vaccines at all. It is literally the same shit under a new name.

Spike protein = spike protein.
364 posts and 69 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13483435 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who is the smartest sci user? Find an analytic solution!

? 0 to inf (sin(a*x) / sin(b*x)) * (1/(1 + x^2)) dx
(24 replies)

How long would it take to learn all of high school math?

No.13478723 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a NEET. I realized that everything I want to do in my spare time requires math. But I can't be a NEET forever, so I was wondering if learning HS math (Pre Algebra, Algebra I & II, Geometry I & II) is possible to learn in 5 months? Thanks in advance for any guidance.
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(46 replies)

Photon Energy Quantization

No.13478854 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Suppose some arbitrary atom requires 10 MeV to excite an electron from ground to its first excited state and 15 MeV to excite an electron from ground to its second excited state. A photon of 12 MeV is then incident on an electron in the ground state of said atom. Since there is no energy level 12 MeV above the ground state, nothing occurs. The photon passes through even though it had enough energy to bring the electron to the first excited state.
Okay, great. So photons can't deliver portions of their energy. It's all or nothing. The photon in this case can't deliver 10 MeV to excite the electron and then scatter off with the remaining 2 MeV.
>> Enter Compton scattering.
>> Photon can collide with a free electron passing on some, but not all, of it's energy like a collision.
>> Theoretically, a 12 MeV photon could hit an electron (at rest say) at a specific angle such that it gives the electron 10 MeV while being left with remaining 2 MeV.
Why does this happen? Why is it okay in one case but not the other?? inb4 something about God being to based to follow the shitty laws of physics.
41 posts and 2 images omitted
(24 replies)

Improving focus and attention span

No.13467771 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there scientifically backed ways to improve attention span and focus?
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(71 replies)
No.13464391 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the best element?
What is your favorite element?
66 posts and 15 images omitted
(32 replies)
No.13480044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this true?
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