Threads by latest replies - Page 3130

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No.13481468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wasn't there some lesson about not playing with genetics?
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No.13485057 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>there are still people on this board who think the notion of a set is a meaningful concept and that the continuum hypothesis has a definite answer
Explain yourselves.
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No.13478232 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your thoughts on adult neurogenesis?
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Is cryogenic preservation after legal death a meme?

No.13485052 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13482862 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is full immersion VR going to be a thing in the next 100 years? Like a computer being able to stimulate every single sense possible in your brain.

If it ever came to be, nobody would live in the real world anymore. What are some other possible ramifications?
(24 replies)
No.13484624 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the human brain completely deterministic?
If we don't consider the possibility of something metaphysical like the soul, the brain is just a serial of biological and chemical reactions.
Our decisions are based on external stimuli, hormones, memories and the way neurons are arranged.

Let's say that at this exact moment I think about cheese.
Let's then assume I could measure the position and velocity of every single particle in the brain the moment it happen and that I could perfectly record the exact stimuli I received that resulted in me thinking about cheese, I'm tempted to say that this copy brain would be guaranteed to think about cheese in exactly, precisely the same way I did when it happened.
Does the human brain just not "feel" deterministic because it's such a complicated system that it's not practice to measure perfectly every single thing that happens there? kind of like how if we knew the exact location and velocity of every single particle on Earth we could forecast the weather perfectly, but don't because collecting and processing this much data is impossible in the practical sense?

The only thing that doesn't behave deterministically is some probabilistic quantum fuckery, and that doesn't really sound like free will at all, it just sounds like a deterministic machine with some random noise.
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(43 replies)
No.13474165 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you were to go back and time and give the romans electricity, what form would you give it in? As in the means to produce, store, use, etc.
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Strong Nuclear Force

No.13483432 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Isn't this just a kind of gravity?

What do we actually know about the strong nuclear force?
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My Undergrad Curriculum in B.Stat.

No.13481525 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can my undergrad curriculum land me a job in Data analytics/Finance/Banking?

This is a 3-year course, I am willing to do MSc in Mathematical finance, M.Stat (Finance specialisation) or an MBA (Finance & Banking) after completing my bachelors.
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