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UVC reaching Earth's surface

No.13481034 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Help me understand this corollary /sci/

No.13485342 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's a corollary of the fact that
dim(V). All f_i's form a basis for the dual space of V and for i>k+1, f_i belongs to the annihilators. Literally can't figure this one out, I just can't wrap my head around the fact one needs precisely n-k hyperspaces of V to construct W, WHICH IS THE DIMENSION OF THE ANNIHILATOR
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(21 replies)
No.13476267 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would I get started with creating a cognitive architecture (for AI)?
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No.13485223 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know what sort of formation this is? It's in the middle of the south pacific.
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No.13485043 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So is there any actual research going on for this?
I looked around and surprisingly there seems to be very little, I'd expect it to be a hot topic, especially since the brain has now been shown to possess neuroplastic and neuroregenerative properties in various degrees all throughout adult life, is it too big of a leap to think there could be certain chemicals or generally ways of upping that regeneration to the maximum to basically make the whole brain heal itself?

The whole brain injury and repair field seems to me like it hasn't progressed in the slightest in the past 20 or more years, it's still just "rest and wait", barring some very few non-mainstream discoveries (like HBOT, ISRIB, cerebrolysin and a few other "nootropics" and other drugs showing SOME little improvement).
Why is nobody funding this shit? There's people's lives being ruined on the daily by unlucky car accidents and falls, diseases like dementia etc., how is this not a fucking top priority? Do the rich have some über anti-TBI and anti-old-age-brain-degeneration drugs that they just take or how are there not billions of dollars being poured into this? Or if there are, where can I find more about it?

On a slightly but not really off-topic note, say I might have suffered a concussion about a week ago from some punches to the head (no symptoms at all except nausea and feeling foggy and hazy, may be anxiety and ptsd not sure? also a sore neck), is there anything I could do to help my brain heal back up to full? I legit fear having become a retard, and not being able to do all the stuff I was looking forward to in life, are my worries unfounded?
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No.13485383 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what does this mean, /sci/?

found on coordinates (-4418,-2861)
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UV index

No.13481950 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's there some addition to my weather station that will measure this?
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No.13484407 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So basically the first organisms were unicelular lifeforms that arose at the bottom of the ocean through a poorly understood process by the name of abiogenesis.
They quickly spread and began growing and diversifying, taking over the oceans of the world.
The first lifeforms to spread on land were some ocean weed plants.
Eventually some larger vertebrate lizard-looking based creature that lived near shallow bodies of water had to adapt to survive on land due to the sea levels constantly rising and falling. This creature is probably the ancestor of most (the fuck are bugs?) modern land-dwelling creatures, though the same process might have occured independently with other sea creatures.
Forms of life on the planet constantly shrunk and expanded due to mass extinctions and shit creating fossils and genetic bottlenecks we can observe but eventually some ugly ass tree apes had to adapt to living on land due to their trees dying out from climate changes and to do this they had to form groups and cooperate to forage and shit thus slowly selecting for intelligence.
These apes became homo erectus and neanderthals and those hobbit-looking motherfuckers but eventually the homo sapiens branch of them became the most dominant and either genocides or raped to death all the other ones. And thus boom modern humans.
Have I got anything wrong? I'm not a biology student but this is my understanding of how things went down.
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I have a critical theory that could change everything.

No.13483343 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Continued in next post
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Determinism != lack of free will

No.13479497 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Determinism does not necessitate an absence of free will. Randomness is simply the results of impediments to perfectly executed free will and lack of omniscience. In other words, free will is predetermined only in the sense that there are things you of course want and things you of course don't want.

Compared to other concepts of cause and effect, this is not any more or less negative. If we executed perfect free will with omniscience (and/or constant very high knowledge and/or omnipotence? To a degree? Well definitely if you have omnipotence for sure) and obtained our goals in life without impediment, a deterministic model could still be the case; you would still head towards sex, food, shelter, entertainment, knowledge, general happiness, etc..

Obviously, we don't live in that perfect world, but determinism by no means makes the world an inherently negative place nor a place any more devoid of "free will" (whatever that even means in the end) than any other form the universe could alternatively take while still also knowing you will experience good things, bad things, and most likely destruction of the self body (just the body, we'll say. Not gonna get into consciousness etc. here) as well.

The reason people think determinism is "bad" or "trippy" or means you have no free will is because the net sum (if you will) of their cowardice and weak-mindedness has breached some threshold. I mention weak-mindedness, but I would be careful to note that I think in most cases, cowardice can be either the sole cause, or the driving force behind both, as they become unwilling to think and/or learn. Basically, people get caught on determinism by what I think is basically the same mechanism through which a person with OCD might get stuck doing repetitive rituals. The reason they engage in this obsessive mentality is because they are not used to thinking about determinism, but I don't think this is hard to surmount if you put effort into changing your perspective.

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