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(6 replies)
No.13485314 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can the technology in mRNA vaccines be used for purposes besides immunization?
Not like nefarious stuff, but spoofing as a genetic sequence in your cells and producing harmless proteins, isn't that like a soft gene therapy? That could be real cool if applied to other stuff.
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(9 replies)
No.13484837 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the effects of estrogen on cognition?
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The Sun in Las Vegas

No.13484965 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wildfire smoke from California is obscuring the sun to the point where you can see it without it being so bright (if you don't mind going blind).

You can see it's curvature in pic related.
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(5 replies)

AIDS contagion

No.13485176 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the odds of getting aids from sucking tranny dick if I have an actual wound in my mouth (gingivitis bled when I brushed my teeth before going to the tranny)

Should I go get post-exposure prophylaxis? I'm delaying it because it's work to find where do they give them and then going there to pick it.
(7 replies)
No.13484784 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So spacecraft need extensive thermal protection for re-entry and the re-entry temperature depends on the rate of deceleration.
Why don't they pick a slower, less dangerous rate of deceleration? A 10-hour re-entry might only experience external temperatures of 80 or 90 farenheit if done right, so is there some kind of ballistics equation that prevents this?
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No.13484229 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is high wind benficial for temperature? I don't know anything about natural sciences, but this chart would indicate so.
(15 replies)
No.13483998 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What’s the difference between real scientists and the I Love Science™ crowd?
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No.13483476 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does time exist or not?
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Financial Science General

No.13470793 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does your portfolio look like? Let's share some peer-reviewed academic research about asset pricing and how it relates to portfolio construction.

I'll begin by highlighting some research about momentum and value.

Intermediate-term momentum (6-12 months) works:
>Jegadeesh, N., and S. Titman, 1993, Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency, The Journal of Finance, 48, pp. 65-91.

Short-term momentum (1-month) does not work:
>Lehman, B. N., 1990, Fads, Martingales, and Market Efficiency, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 105, pp. 1-28.
>Jegadeesh, N., 1990, Evidence of Predictable Behavior of Security Returns, The Journal of Finance, 45, pp. 881-898.

Long-term momentum (3 to 5 years) does not work:
>DeBondt, W. F., and R. Thaler, 1985, Does the Stock Market Overreact?, The Journal of Finance, 40, pp. 793-805.

A smoother return path leads to larger returns:
>Da, Z., U. G. Gurun, and M. Warachka, 2014, Frog in the Pan: Continuous Information and Momentum, Review of Financial Studies, pp. 1-48.

Seasonality matters for momentum:
>Sias, R., 2007, Causes and Seasonality of Momentum Profits, Financial Analyst Journal, 63, pp. 48-54.

Eugene Fama, the 2014 co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics and father of the
efficient market hypothesis, has summarized the academic research on momentum as follows:
>The premier anomaly is momentum.

There's a lot of research about value going back to at least Fama and French (1992).
>Fama, E.F. and French, K.R, 1992. The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns. The Journal of Finance, 47(2), pp. 427-465.

Financial data:

About diversification:

Combining strategies with low correlation is good, e.g. value and momentum:
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(10 replies)
No.13483289 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gauss is smarter than Euler :(
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