Quoted By:
-See also "LIDA", a USSR made psychotronic acquired by the CIA through a Canadian front and delivered to WR Adey.
[m][Symposium, New York Academy of Medicine] 1979 - SYMPOSIUM ON HEALTH ASPECTS OF NONIONIZING RADIATION
"In the context of these experiments, it should be mentioned that there is a medical therapeutic device, known as the LIDA, developed in the Soviet Union and patented in this country. It is designed for the treatment of psychoneurotic illness and emotional disorders. It emits pulsed radio signals up to one tenth of a second long at rates up to two per second, with a maximum generator output of 40 to 80 watts. The instrument can also generate pulsed light, sound, and heat, and the four stimulus modalities can be delivered separately or in any desired combination. Reports of clinical tests in the U.S.S.R. in juveniles and adults suffering from emotional disorders are said to have been favorable."
Apparently the Soviets at the time saw this version as a decade or so out of date, and essentially obsolete. They included a photo of it up on a podium and several people in the audience seemingly asleep.
See the CNN special report from 1985 for more on LIDA. Scrubbed from youtube recently, but fortunately I had thought to save it.