Psychology has presented the trolley problem.
You are at a switch that can change the rails of a trolley line. The rails are shut down for repairs and there are three workers on one of the rails and there's one worker on the other rail.
Without warning a runaway trolley comes down the line. It's headed for your fork in the line. You're too far away to warn the workers and the trolley will stay on the first rail and kill the three workers. You can hit the switch and elect to kill only the single worker. What do you do?
Most volunteers elect to hit the switch.
The scenario is rewritten so that it is a single line with you next to a single worker and further down the line around a bend are three more workers. When the runaway trolley comes you can push the worker onto the track which will derail the train on the bend, saving the three workers but killing the one. Same results as previous. However most people do not elect to kill the one worker in this scenario and allow the three to die.
The first flaw in this idea is that there is no moral outcome. There are cases in life where there is no moral outcome but to guage moral behavior on a fundamentally immoral thought experiment is flawed. The second flaw is that in the second scenario the subject must become a murderer when the option is open to sacrifice ones' self instead.
The reason the test deviates in results is that the subject, at some level, realizes that they will be confronted as to why they did not offer up themselves and instead elected to murder someone.