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No.13482948 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
go ahead
ridicule me
133 posts and 21 images omitted
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No.13487833 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A canal tough Sahara with mangroves would pump up to 1,6 million metric tons of fresh water into the Sahara per day with out carbon emission alone due to evaporation.
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Fluoride vs Hydroxyapatite toothpaste

No.13486157 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do /sci/entists use fluoride or hydroxyapatite toothpaste? What is better? Are you afraid of fluoride?
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No.13487739 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how is DNA sequenced? i want the nitty gritty details. i know you can sequence it off a saliva swab, and i've sure it uses cells to sequence the DNA. is it automated? how so? you put it in a machine, and then what? how does the machine sequence it?
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No.13487781 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does circumcision reduce penis length?

This study says so:
>Despite the small number of subjects, this study shows that NMC was associated with shorter penile length. Second to fourth digit ratio, flaccid penile length, and age of circumcision were also significant predictive factors for erectile penile length. Further multicentre studies with larger number of subjects and biochemical analyses are needed for potential clinical applicability.

But then according to Healthline:
>Penis size is also based on blood flow to the penile tissues. Removing a layer of skin tissue — the foreskin — doesn’t have any impact on other penile tissues or how big your penis appears when erect. However, it may have slightly less “bulk” when it’s flaccid.

So which is it? I'm pretty confused and slightly pissed that my parents might've costed me a few mm on my benis, but my circumcision isn't tight and there's a bit amount of extra skin. So maybe I haven't lost any size at all?
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No.13486337 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Even if humanity achieves immortality and spreads across the Galaxy insuring it's survival, the Universe will ultimately collapse and die
Is there any hope for material reality?
18 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13486770 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what was dinosaur sex like?
4 posts omitted
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No.13487726 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many days does COVID remains contagious after symptom onset ? I no longer have symptoms and it's been 14 days already. Doctor said I should remain in isolation
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