Threads by latest replies - Page 3121

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No.13487076 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How is this allowed in America?

Literally a black crack selling gun toting gangbanger bastard son of a single mother is somehow admitted to a university, accepted into a PhD program, appointed a prestigious teaching post and accepted into mainstream academia

How would you feel as a colleague of this the same salary grade?

How in the fuck can you admit to selling crack cocaine to children and shooting people yet hold a federally funded position of authority and trust over teenagers/young adults?
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I'm working on something

No.13482955 ViewReplyOriginalReport
But I can't say what because I can't let anyone steal it.

Anyone else also have a secret work?
12 posts and 2 images omitted
(8 replies)
No.13487904 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is said that the speed of light is the same in all reference frames. It is also said that light travelling around a massive object opposite its direction of rotation will be slower. Are these laws not in conflict? Which one is wrong? Is the "slower" light still moving at the same speed, but taking a less efficient path?
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Can you please help me replacate this method for finding the common tangent

No.13487977 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im beyond tilted. Please math anons I seek your help.

How can I replicate the first method for
P=(1,1.75) (same)
P1=(2,2) (same)

Please teach me
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No.13487423 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A professor once told me that real numbers cannot be added. How can this possibly be the case? Do I not add real numbers together all the time? What strange beasts lurk in his functions, what manner of definitions is he playing with, to convince him that the reals cannot be worked with? Was he joking, or referencing some obscure work by one of his rivals? Please, educate me on this.
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No.13487920 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I find the exact value for
>x ln(x) (ln(x ln (x))) =0
first answer is 1 but I can't for the life of me figure out the method to fine the other one.
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Why didn' t NASA choose the simpler option?

No.13485412 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are they in Elon pockets? Are they corrupt or just scientifically illiterate?
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No.13486550 ViewReplyOriginalReport
whats evolutionary purpose of micro penis?
18 posts and 1 image omitted