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How do I score well on this test?

No.13488712 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have taken the test once and I didn't do well. I have been told I should at least get a 515 if I want to get into medical school.

I have taken 3 full length practice tests
I have done Uworld
I have read all the Kaplan books

I am thinking of leaving my apartment, moving into my parents to save money for a tutor which costs around 8k. Any advice?
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No.13486591 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking why are cats drawn to lasers so much, something they would never have seen in nature, and therefore evolved to chase.
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No.13488197 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gentleman, how do we deal with the brainlet question?
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Hello,Weeaboo shits.

No.13484183 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ You are largely a disappointment as far as interesting and thought provoking /sci/entific discussion goes. The board is mostly trash, you should feel bad about this.
You will not admit this, but the majority of you are weebs. Wipe the semen onto your anime figures for a moment and maybe we can get somewhere here by talking a familiar language.

We will play a game, you must come up with a reasonable hypothesis for a way to make the magic system in Jujutsu Kaisen real.

Your hypothesis must make scientific sense.
If your hypothesis fails, you have failed your weeaboo ancestors. To restore honor, you must perform Kanch?

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No.13486622 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it scientifically accurate to say that electromagnetic waves that are not in the visible spectrum are just "invisible light"?
It makes EM waves much more intuitive to understand IMHO
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No.13486361 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So is there actually a point to existence? Or do we just persist just because?
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