Threads by latest replies - Page 3114

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No.13468849 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My cat died and I buried him in a big ziplock plastic bag which was put into a box 2 feet in the ground.
Will the plastic bag degrade over time exposing his body to the earth around him, or will his body stay in the bag and not degrade?
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Do different Alcoholic Drinks make You a Different Kind of Drunk?

No.13486749 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am currently drunk, having drunk whisky. I normally drink rum or wine, and tonight I find myself feeling 'different' to my other drunk selves. I also have a history of feeling 'different' when imbibing certain drinks e.g. jagermeister makes me a fiend.

I did a google to find info on studies about the different effects various alcohols may have. I found this:

>“The direct effects of alcohol are the same whether you drink wine, beer or spirits. There’s no evidence that different types of alcohol cause different mood states,” she says. Instead, it is what we think of alcoholic beverages, culturally, that affect our mood while drinking them.

That sounds logical though it is opposite to my experiences. To test this theory, shouldn't they intravenously inject subjects with various kinds of alcohol and monitor their states? This seems like a claim based on a logical theory but without medical evidence.

Also, what is your experience? Do different alcoholic drinks make you feel a different kind of 'drunk' to other alcoholic drinks?
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No.13486565 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did you guys get so smart? Was it college?
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No.13487330 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder to all commies and anti-science niggers that this man delivered on everything he promissed.
I am a proud musk cuck
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No.13489491 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>fish takes oxygen from water (h2o) releasing h2 gas as a side product
why dont we just use fishes to solve the energy crisis?
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free ebook download from campus licence

No.13490238 ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a student I have the opportunity to download several ebooks for free. Anyone ever tried to systematically download a lot of ebooks from e.g. Springer or Wiley? Is there a limit, something one should be aware about to not get a ban or smth?
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No.13484587 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is the soul real, /sci/?

What happens when we die?
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No.13485559 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you use nicotine as a cognitive enhancer, anons? I take one of picrel when I need to plow through boring shit quickly, it gives me a 1 hour burst of focus without the lung damage of cigarettes.
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