Threads by latest replies - Page 3112

(12 replies)


No.13487088 ViewReplyOriginalReport
USA biohacker here.
I have a mammalian expression plasmid containing human telomerase reverse transcriptase, currently maintained in an E. coli culture on ampicillin plates.
I have the supplies necessary for in vivo electroporation, and I need someone to test it all out on.
Anyone wanna live past a century?
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(7 replies)
No.13490648 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who was the smartest person that you've come cross, bros? How was it?
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(14 replies)

Reminder for non-shills

No.13491266 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A few grams of Dinitrophenol-DNP will protect you against vaccine prions and is more effective than ivermectin as prophylaxis against the chink flu.
kikes are shilling hard against DNP
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(21 replies)
No.13484126 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, how would psychokinesis work in real life?
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(5 replies)

The case for "it's just a flu, bro"

No.13490535 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13486736 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do whales know? Are they sentient?
Why would they have 40 minutes long convos?
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(49 replies)
No.13481954 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why the actual FUCK is this NOT being worked on??? This is singlehandedly the only thing that can bring the average IQ to 130, instantly eradicate most suffering, and bring about the fastest technological transformation in human history. Poverty? Cured; everyone is intelligent and therefore economic output is godly. Climate change? Cured. Diseases? Cured; we have two thousand 150IQ Aubrey de Greys working on the problem.
44 posts and 3 images omitted
(11 replies)
No.13488882 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>everything is the absence of nothing
>nothing cannot be found in everything
>after you die, you become nothing
6 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)

new thread on pacifism towards sentient beings

No.13491148 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Topics and advice for the thread:
>what microscopic beings are sentient;amoeba, bacteria,etc? Can photons even be sentient?
>what kind of edible food item can be considered 100% peaceful? For example frutis with seeds have seeds which are potential lives. Potatoes are obtained by killing the whole plant(!)
(8 replies)
No.13489920 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain in the simpliest terms why in quantum physic state-space we need COMPLEX NUMBERS?
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