Threads by latest replies - Page 3111

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No.13485767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do we need sets to be measurable?
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Another Democrat arrested for pedophilia

No.13488807 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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CDC New Advice on how to Combat Covid-19

No.13491752 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Direcor of the CDC has annouced that beating the virus away with a flip flop will do the same as taking the vaccine, and congratulated Boris Johnson for being 14months a head of Americas top scientists.
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No.13488597 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We are screwed when star explodes. How ever far we run it catches us, calculus dictates. Speed of light proofs it. Settle on mars, in vain. 2hwvg
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Is speeding up the brain via Myelination a meme?

No.13490706 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A lot of the productivity books I've been reading constantly bring Myelination up as a means to maximize cognitive information transmissions in the brain X10. Is this truly a human superpower or just pop theory?
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Longitudinal analysis shows durable immune memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection

No.13490429 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This paper further supports the fact that naturally acquired immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is 1) robust and 2) durable.
1) Robust means the immune response recognizes many different parts of the virus.
2) Durable means the immune response remains detectable - and likely effective at protecting the individual - for a long period of time.
A robust immune response is important because it provides a certain degree of protection against variants of the virus.
This robustness is why some people hypothesize that natural immunity provides better protection than vaccination - however this hypothesis has not been conclusively demonstrated in the literature yet. If you're aware of primary sources that say otherwise please share them.
For now, all available evidence strongly suggests that individuals with naturally acquired immunity are at least equally well protected as individuals who have been vaccinated. Here are a couple more supporting references [1][2].
As a final point - in the literature there is some evidence & concern that the current mRNA vaccines induce an immune response which is highly targeted toward the spike protein [3]. When combined with mass vaccination campaigns, this creates tremendous selective pressure that can further enhance the fitness of the virus, and lead to increasingly infectious or virulent variants [3][4][5][6].
It's clear that vaccination poses little additional risk - but also little benefit - to previously infected individuals, and consequently our vaccination campaigns should be highly targeted toward vulnerable demographics to reap the most benefits and minimize the risks to public health.
I'll try to post links to references but you know how finicky 4chan can be about some links, especially to Nature.
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No.13489816 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Red pill me on rabies
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No.13489089 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When the fuck does one give up and just use perturbation theory on these motherfuckers?
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No.13489325 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any good books to understand DNA repair mechanisms and it's relationship with cancer cells. How exactly cancer happens and why haven't human body evolved to cute this shit itself?