Threads by latest replies - Page 3107

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No.13485135 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would be the best way to eliminate this chromosome and have an all-female utopia?
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No.13492065 ViewReplyOriginalReport
today people think they should be learning theory and that facts and experimental proof are an afterthought

You can only build a reality based mind with facts and only fact
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No.13489171 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Geologists of /sci/ need help identifiying what's on this rock I think it could be a fossil but I'm not sure if so does anyone know what type?
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No.13492179 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>A concerned citizen contacted the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA yesterday and spoke to multiple employees. When asked if the CDC was mandating its employees to inject themselves with the experimental gene therapy called a ‘vaccine’ for the CCP virus, they pushed back, got defensive, and finally said no, they are not mandating CDC employees receive the ‘vaccine’ for Covid-19, which has not even been tested on animals and is still experimental, under an emergency use authorization only.

>You can listen to part of the conversation on the video below. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing.

>The citizen also spoke to supervisors who simply ‘expedited’ the call to nowhere and would not answer further questions.

I would categorize this as calling the CDC to troll them directly as far as the taxonomy goes, quite an interesting scientific experiment.
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looks neat

No.13486374 ViewReplyOriginalReport
aesthetic math visuals thread
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No.13492017 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>he thinks climate change is a bad thing
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No.13491982 ViewReplyOriginalReport
jannie just came by to delete all the most popular threads again
(32 replies)

AI Risk for Cavemen

No.13482898 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> AI is a caveman looking at a group of cavemen shamans performing a strange ritual that summons many strange and somewhat useful beings. Some of the shamans say they're going to eventually summon a Messiah that will solve all problems. Others say that there's a chance to summon a world-devouring demon, by mistake. Yet others say neither are going to happen, that the sprites and elementals that the ritual has been bringing into the world are all the ritual can do.

In the analogy, you are the lay-caveman. Which shamans do you listen to and why?
27 posts and 1 image omitted