Threads by latest replies - Page 3106

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Summation Notation Formula

No.13492471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there some sort of mental formula I could develop that would allow me to form a summation notation equation to express any form of addition? I'm trying to figure out how to express [A..B] in summation notation. If A is 1 and B is 10, then it equals 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10. You basically take the factorial of the second variable and subtract it from the factorial of the first variable, but that formula doesn't work when you introduce a third variable, like [A..B..C].
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No.13488876 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if our bodies are ~98F/37C in equilibrium, why are we unable to last in that temperature indefinitely?

Shouldn't we be most comfortable at the temperature our bodies want?

inversely, on average how low of a temperature do we need to reach before our bodies go from "can maintain 98C indefinitely" to "very very slow exposure death"
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(55 replies)
No.13484326 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok /sci/, give it to me straight. Are radians are unit? Explain why. 99% of you will not be able to.
50 posts and 6 images omitted
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No.13479762 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
the day we get a detailed image of an exoplanet will be a day to remember
55 posts and 8 images omitted
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Blue Jets over thunderstorm

No.13492407 ViewReplyOriginalReport
These seem to be even more rare than red sprites and were recently spotted over a thunder storm.
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No.13492461 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Engineering book uses non-american events as examples
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No.13489148 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Even after my second dose of Pfizer I felt absolutely nothing other than sore in my arm for a few hours. Should I be worried about the state of my immune system? I have heard it is people with weaker immune systems that don't feel it, but just how weak could it be?
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No.13492465 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>someone dies of heart disease
>no need to panic your next
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No.13492389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When one doesn't know the best course of action, is it better to gamble or do nothing? All options can be destructive, even inaction.