Threads by latest replies - Page 3103

(14 replies)
No.13492991 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gretchen Thunderburp, the world's foremost climate scientist that couldn't manage to graduate high school, has a sexy new photo spread in Vouge magazine.
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(12 replies)
No.13492824 ViewReplyOriginalReport
reminder that coronavirus doesn't exist
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(11 replies)
No.13492370 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Covid contradictions thread?
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(8 replies)
No.13492957 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does this strike anyone else as bizarre?
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!3/nlvDo/uQ (59 replies)
!3/nlvDo/uQ No.13489408 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Every single study has show that the only predictor that matters in human mating and relationships is earning*net worth.

Every single recorded marriage shows this.

For all human history women were essentially sold to the wealthiest men the father could find, even today half the globe still does this.

Every where except when women post on social media about what they're looking for in a man and money/wealth never comes into the equation or is mentioned.

Case in point:

This score is essentially the same thing for both of these traits. This is a near perfect linear correlation which tells you that they are actually scoring the same natural phenomena.

This means when a woman says she wants a "good personality" this is synonymous with saying "I want a physically attractive partner".

We can show over all human history that virtually every criteria in mate selection claimed is actually explained instead by wealth*earnings.
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No.13493310 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So the Albanian-Pfizer contract got leaked & turns out Pfizer itself might be infiltrated by Anti-vaxxers...
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No.13493087 ViewReplyOriginalReport
FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else
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No.13492666 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long until the majority of people are mixed race? This is inevitable, right?

In the future, due to globalization, nearly everyone will be mixed race. And the farther into the future we go, the more homogeonized the mixture will become. Eventually, everyone will be nearly identical in terms of racial composition. Everyone will likely be cream or coffee colored with dark colored hair and eyes. Ethnic, racial, and national identities will become obsolete.

Will this be a good thing for society? Is this the liberal utopia?
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(73 replies)


No.13488430 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Humanity is slowly moving away from meat. What's going to happen to people like me who have gastrinal problems from consuming most vegs?
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(9 replies)
No.13493079 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the point of doing a phd? can't you do research on your own with your own money?
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