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Is my hatred towards macaques influenced by evolution?

No.13488341 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m a self described animal lover. Even before kindergarten, I had always held a special place in my heart for animals, and I would always try my best to care or help one whenever I could.

Primates in particular are some of my favorite animals, from the adorably curious orangutans to the playful agile gibbon, to the watchful and adorably small slow loris. However, despite my love for these animals, ESPECIALLY their babies, whenever I see a macaque, specifically the Rhesus Macaque, I feel an unnatural anger and pleasure from seeing them being scared or hurt.

I’m genuinely scared of my current fascination with macaques. I don’t have this hatred for any other monkeys. Langurs seem annoying but never bring up any anger like these macaques do.

Another thing that I feel is a repulsiveness to their body language. Whenever a macaque makes an O-face, which is a classic sign of anger and frustration, I feel a desire to punch one. And whenever their babies squeal and spasm, I want to throw them

Is this purely a reflection of my character? Or do others feel the same? I’ve heard some theorize that the uncanny valley may be a contributing factor, but I’ve never felt anger from anything else uncanny. Has anyone done any research on people who hate monkeys?

Also, anyone have any good recommendations on macaque channels? I’m trying to watch videos that show macaques in a positive light so I can rewire my brain to be disgusted in their suffering
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(5 replies)

Does circumcision reduce penis length?

No.13487790 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This study says so:
>Despite the small number of subjects, this study shows that NMC was associated with shorter penile length. Second to fourth digit ratio, flaccid penile length, and age of circumcision were also significant predictive factors for erectile penile length. Further multicentre studies with larger number of subjects and biochemical analyses are needed for potential clinical applicability.

But then according to Healthline:
>Penis size is also based on blood flow to the penile tissues. Removing a layer of skin tissue — the foreskin — doesn’t have any impact on other penile tissues or how big your penis appears when erect. However, it may have slightly less “bulk” when it’s flaccid.

So which is it? I'm pretty confused and slightly pissed that my parents might've costed me a few mm on my benis, but my circumcision isn't tight and there's a bit amount of extra skin. So maybe I haven't lost any size at all?
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Animal body temperature

No.13492885 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So from my research all mammals at least seem to maintain their body temp to within a few degrees of eachother. Why is this? Which exact enzyme or whatever is it that works best at just below 40 degrees C?
(60 replies)
No.13484262 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is this man so ignored?
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(15 replies)
No.13493016 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Eyo what you think of Steven Pinker? He a good scientist or just iono a pop culture type dude.
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No.13493313 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is death really inevitable? What if I dont want to die?
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Science believers be like

No.13493032 ViewReplyOriginalReport
- The universe came from nothing
- Life came from non-life
- A single-celled organism turned into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation, so I'm related to a potato
- Random genetic mutation is capable of creating irreducibly complex biology like sexual reproduction from asexual organisms
- I know the Earth and Universe is billions of years old because... observation of radioactive decay
- Modern humans existed for 200,000 years but did practically nothing for 195,000 years and didn't leave any documents or records, then all the sudden Egypt, Canaan, Mesopotamia, etc.
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No.13492709 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ humor thread
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(68 replies)
No.13492727 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is happening in universities? This is anti-white racism.
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