/sci/ Pseudoscience & Conspiracies
No.13494927 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13495308 >>13495363
>one of the boards that could prove 4chan is more than a human trash bin
>"COVID is just a cold, bro"
>"don't get vaxxed because of this obscure spanish study here"
>"climate change? See this blurry picture and my anecdotal story about snow in my home town that disproves a century of data collection"
>"Homos are XYZ my source is: I read it in Vogue"
>"Homos are the spawn of devils my source is: I saw it on Facebook"
>"How do I get booba, scientifically speaking?"
>"No seriously HOW do I get booba?"
>"Solve my algebra II homework please I need to get drunk with Chadwick"
>"STEM is a meme you won't find a job"
>"everything BUT STEM is a meme you won't find a job"
>one actually decent thread that get's shunted to p10
What's the point of this board even? It's more like a bastardized version of /pol/ or /b/ with some IFLS/Vsauce flavor on top. Just shut it down.
>"COVID is just a cold, bro"
>"don't get vaxxed because of this obscure spanish study here"
>"climate change? See this blurry picture and my anecdotal story about snow in my home town that disproves a century of data collection"
>"Homos are XYZ my source is: I read it in Vogue"
>"Homos are the spawn of devils my source is: I saw it on Facebook"
>"How do I get booba, scientifically speaking?"
>"No seriously HOW do I get booba?"
>"Solve my algebra II homework please I need to get drunk with Chadwick"
>"STEM is a meme you won't find a job"
>"everything BUT STEM is a meme you won't find a job"
>one actually decent thread that get's shunted to p10
What's the point of this board even? It's more like a bastardized version of /pol/ or /b/ with some IFLS/Vsauce flavor on top. Just shut it down.