Threads by latest replies - Page 3093

(150 replies)
No.13494976 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How dare you
145 posts and 15 images omitted
(9 replies)
No.13496524 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do anti-vaxxers have valid medical reasons to refuse the vax? Or do they just do it out of spite, and they won't be convinced no matter of the evidence.

pic related is the white house vaccination promoter. heed him.
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(6 replies)
No.13494972 ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post omitted
(20 replies)
No.13492517 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So is the abc conjecture proven? I say so as a brilliant PhD mathematician!
15 posts omitted
(318 replies)

/sqt/ /qtddtot/ - stupid questions thread

No.13464791 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previously >>13446390

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding math and science.
>where do I go for advice?
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

>where can I get:
>book recs?

>carreer advice?
>help with calculus?
>tables, properties and material selection?

General advice for asking questions here:
>attach an image (animal images are best. Grab them from >>>/an/)
>avoid replying to yourself
>ask anonymously
>remember to check the Latex with the Tex button on the posting box
>if someone replies to your question with a shitpost, ignore it
>avoid arguing with Yukarifag
>do not tell us you came from whatever the fuck board, /pol/ in particular
>do not mention how [other place] didn't answer your question so you're reposting it here
>if you need to ask for clarification fifteen times in a row, try to make the sequence easy to read through
>I'm not reading your handwriting
>If it ain't english I can't speak it
313 posts and 57 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13495692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So let's get this straight
>the vaccine is only 39% effective at preventing infection
>it's 41% effective at removing covid symptoms
This means that 41% of vaxxed people who get it won't even know that they have it, and they still run a big chance of spreading it to other vaxxed people. They'll unknowingly go out and spread it to other people. This should be enough of a reason for people not in a risk group to not get the jab
(22 replies)
No.13492854 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it full of shit?
Do you guys have any knowledge, science proof evidence on this thing.
I've seen medical surgery with no anesthesia with a patient under hypnosis; is it a scam.
Does it have real impact on therapy like getting rid of anxiety? or is it just another placebo scam with the same result as water with sugar magic potion?
17 posts and 2 images omitted
(7 replies)

Hello /sci/

No.13496647 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just got out the water, feeling fresh. Lands a lot less fluid but it's comfy, I think I'll stay. How are you doing today?
2 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)
No.13496759 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Long term, as in over the next twenty years or so, do you expect the cost of electricity to decrease as we switch to renewables?
I'm expecting nuclear to make a comeback but that's a different discussion
(7 replies)
No.13496471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anti-Vaxxbros, what actions can one take to boost ones own protection and not get seriously sick without taking the route of cucking by taking the vaccine? This is my current regime, should give a strong enough protection, right?
>lean body mass and young
>4000ius vitamin d3
>22mg zinc
>high fruit consumption
>workout every other day
>high temp sauna for 15 minutes every other day
>wash hands regularly
>not attend large crowds
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