Basically, you can just ignore philosophers. Their field is intellectually bankrupt, most likely because they have no arbiter of truth other than political persuasion. They have no theorems and they have no experiments. Lol, my god, what are they even good for?
Even the dimmest among you should agree that you can't make progress with pure politics. Historically, this method fails to produce true answers about questions as simple and obvious as "does the Earth rotate?".
It is perhaps cruel of me to point out, but I really don't think it would be harsh to just dismiss the philosophers outright— they are clearly no good in this world. Surely you agree?
>Entire generation of Americans is raised to believe God isn't real and people are stupid for believing in anything like that >Within fifteen years everyone insists we have to be in a computer simulation created by intelligent life
What is it about human consciousness that naturally insists reality was created?
Are there any studies or science behind this? I've read that warm sunny weather is best, which would explain why a lot of creative people reside in Los Angeles. But I've also read that bad weather is better because warm weather is too comfortable and dulls the brain or something. Also, does your environment have any effect on creativity?
I'm a writer and warm sunny weather helps me a lot. I feel like I get writer's block in winter, and then spring comes and I'm suddenly inspired again. But I also wonder if it's my environment. I live in a small village so maybe I only think nice weather helps because it's the only thing to look forward to. Perhaps if I lived in a city or somewhere a bit more happening, I would get more inspiration year-round. Look at a place like Tokyo. People there create a lot of interesting video games and manga and their weather isn't great, but they are in an exciting city.
tl;dr is there any scientific evidence that one type of weather is better for the brain/creativity? What about environment?
>>Be me >>Drop out of high school due to it being boring >>Spend 3-4 On Kahn academy learn at my own pace and what I want to learn (Math, physics, computers, and neurology) >>get a G.E.D >>get a R/D job at Brain machine interface startup
Give it straight to me, /sci
Is the grand narrative surrounding the global warming pushed by Western MSM mostly true, mostly BS, or something in between?