Threads by latest replies - Page 3090

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Laugh at Computer Scientiests

No.13497807 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The absolute state of these braindead faggots lmao. Can you imagine creating the highest accolade in your field and then people within your field never win it once holy shit. How the fuck can you get blown the fuck out so hard by people in a different field than you? What the fuck lmao computer "scientists" on suicide watch
(5 replies)
No.13497648 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What causes the "head change" feeling the next day after getting high on weed or LSD? It feels like a subtle alteration in the way your mind operates, like your senses have been reduced somewhat
(21 replies)
No.13497318 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do blacks really have low impulse control or is that just a myth?
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The Mystical Metaphysical Number system

No.13497497 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have created a classification system of numbers, that is based on simple rules an non arbitrary definitions. the MMP number system, which is based on 5 lemmas

Lemma 0: All Numbers are Mystical
Lemma 1: every number has two properties- precision and length
precision - the amount of displacement on the number line given a unit change in length
length - the amount digits required to express the number at a point in precision
Lemma 2: A number is purely mystical if precision and length are inversely related
Lemma 3: A number is mystical and metaphysical if precision and length are directly related
Lemma 4: a number is mystical, metaphyscial and physical if infinite precision is attained at finite length
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(18 replies)
No.13495047 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do animals have discrete amount of limbs?
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(38 replies)
No.13489281 ViewReplyOriginalReport
post favorite compounds
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(26 replies)
No.13495314 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ humor thread
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(85 replies)
No.13485350 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I found a small packet of white stuff in a clear plastic bag in a nightclub

Looking at it closely it doesn't look fluffy like cocaine...

I snorted a little amount last night but I had drank 15 pints already so I didn't really notice anything, and I remember I got quite a bit on my face and it tasted a bit bitter... like mdma maybe.

people were definitely doing drugs at the club so I think its an illegal drug

How can I work out what it is?... ideally quickly

the packet is really quite small too and not clumped up like I've seen cocaine being before.
80 posts and 13 images omitted
(17 replies)
No.13496318 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've got a conundrum. If you put a sponge into a cup filled with water, what will happen to the water level?
12 posts omitted