Threads by latest replies - Page 3089

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No.13497940 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ humor thread
9 posts and 6 images omitted
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No.13488445 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what's the most scientific way of urban planning? what would cost less? how to put more people in one space and still have comfort, nature, services etc.?
61 posts and 12 images omitted
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Is this accurate?

No.13495805 ViewReplyOriginalReport
12 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.13496620 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can science explain why American urbanites are so violent?
My pet theory is that high CO2 levels in urban areas reduce average IQs, leaving the populace dumber and more prone to impulsive, violent acts. Urban CO2 levels are usually more than twice as high as rural areas. Does that theory sound like it might hold any water?
13 posts and 5 images omitted
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Bachelor's in Math

No.13497999 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone here complete a bachelor's degree in mathematics? What jobs did you get into?
I've recently completed a math major and I don't know what career path to get into. I do not want to do a master's.
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No.13493763 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Engineering or STEM news. What news sources are you using to keep up with the latest advancements in your field?
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Why can' t people accept that consciousness is software

No.13492386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Consciousness is software, is the operative system that moves our hardware, the body. Consciousness cannot be transferred, because there`s no "it", it could be copied some day though. Your consciousness could be uploaded to another body, or a VR world, or in the computer of a ship going to another solar system, but it always will be an structure of memes and algorithms. You cannot die, because you never existed, you are just sofware.
18 posts omitted
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No.13497865 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Only by mk ultra everyone to the point of psychological collapse, and with an mrt, we are able to find out which individuals have the most impulse control and are least likely to commit crimes. Who guaranties me that the "good goy" doesn't snap if sth. bad happens?
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No.13497709 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I see a ton of people getting into IT with no experience. When I ask them what they do, they just reply with "teach yourself + certificates".

What books are they reading? Scibros? Don't you trust the science and trust STEM? They always say they make 100k. How. Please I need a booklist.