Threads by latest replies - Page 3088

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No.13493570 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So if I start smoking now(I'm 26) when can I expect to get diabetes, cancer and all the heart problems and other shit?
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No.13498189 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>1,5 celsius increase in temperature in last 200 years
>1 meter increase in sea levels by end of century this is the power of global warmming. Thanks ICPP, I am shaking already
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No.13498260 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear God: please put me to sleep and don't wake me up until society no longer has idiots in it. Thank you Jesus.
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(27 replies)
No.13489194 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If 1 percenters owned 1% of money would they still be richer than the 99%? Since it's divided between less people.
22 posts and 2 images omitted
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Scientific ASMR

No.13493081 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Superfluid helium
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No.13498172 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone who isn't retarded explain to me what is going on here?
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(86 replies)
No.13482512 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Briefly summarize the nature of an electron orbital "cloud" in the most scientifically accurate way you can.

What is it?
81 posts and 5 images omitted