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Anonymous (5 replies)
Redpill me on eucapil. Claims to be a non water soluable dht blocker. Seems too good to be true for a hair loss treatment.
Anonymous (8 replies)
How do you deal with the fact that engineering is the best way to make an impact? Sure, mathematics or physics might present great puzzles or offer the right sort of challenge, but realistically unless you are fairly gifted you will be stuck either making shit wages, writing glorified CRUD apps, or gluing libraries together, whereas if you were an engineer you could have st least tackled energy generation/storage, aerospace, construction materials, or some other field making a dent in the world.
Engineers only solve problems they can find. If there's any problems in the first place. Not to mention the problems that fly over their head. Then they solve some dumb stupid shit only for new problems to emerge all the while patting each others back. No engineer truly saves the world.
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this is why I respect engineers and don-t like the jokes they make about them. everything in my room was made by them. also, there is rigour in what they do, it-s just different. the rigour lies in going to jail if the bridge collapses or the plane falls into the ocean with no reason. they have to meet certain criteria for success, I can-t say the same about theoretical physicists.
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I'm an engineer and No I have never "applied physics"
Anonymous (7 replies)
One of these rocks hit my house. Central New York here. Thinking either neighbors being dicks, bird dropped it or maybe meteorite??
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>>13497522 It looks like wood kinda
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Its burnt...??
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So i think these are landscaping lava rocks. No idea how they ended up bouncing off the roof. Gotta be dumb kids or something
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>>13497519 Its clearly a leaverite, or AFR. Would need better view to tell which
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>>13497519 Sandstone probably. It's sedimentary looking at those layers. That stuff around it might've been added later, after it got lifted. You know where it came from?
Anonymous (5 replies)
/sci/ humor thread
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Maybe jammies keep removing these because 90% of them aren't funny?
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>tfw no hot masochist tau gf
Anonymous (10 replies)
how far can my fart propels me under 0g in a vacuum?
Arno Niem
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>>13497111 Superman flies by the power of flatulence you know. He would be faster if he didn't wear (under-) pants. In zero G, then, the pantsularian factor needs to be considered OP.
>>13497163 But doesn't the fart need to reach escape velocity for an infinite propellant to work?
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>>13498512 0 g on him
He didn't say that he has 0 g.
I mean how else can you interpreted his request?
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>>13497111 have it propel you over Israel and take a big fat shit on it when you get there
Anonymous (12 replies)
/sci/ what does this mean for the future of academic progress?
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>>13498364 Maths and physics is a mental system, a choice to see the world and understand it by.
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>>13498426 to hold onto their money if they ever manage to get a job
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>>13498426 Why would a math major need to know how to read and write?
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They already let illiterate niggers graduate as it is. Nothing is changed.
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>>13498364 >americans Oh no no no no
Anonymous (9 replies)
What is the scientific reason why I want to sniff braps?
>>13498481 i hate nordcucks, so i prefer her to taylor
>>13498484 simping to either taylor or ariana makes you a cuck, ever heard the lyrics of their shit songs?
>>13498502 i don't care about their songs. i care about their feet.
>>13498508 anon... both have bad feet too kek
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>>13498513 explain to me. tay has nice 11 inch hooves that are pale as snow and ari has smaller, darker ones that probably smell of pasta. taylor's thighs are better though.
Anonymous (7 replies)
If the "science is settled" on climate change, why are "reputable" organizations constantly getting caught fabricating data?
>>13498438 >pre-approved opinions Tell me you're from Reddit without telling me you're from Reddit.
>>13498389 >"reputable" organizations exxon mobile
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>>13498459 wkipedia and rationalwiki is coming out next, dont get him started chud
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>>13498465 .THE SKY IS FALLING
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>>13498438 OP here. I came from /lit/, you know the actual smart board? They told me you guys on this board were dumber than dogshit but liked to claim you were second highest in IQ behind us so I wanted to come see for myself and you certainly showed me why the say it in the very first post. Thanks
Anonymous (29 replies)
>Soul is not real bro, its all just chemical reactions in the brain
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>>13498376 >the soijak is the chud version of downvoting. Anonymous
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>>13498381 If it's not part of the world, how is anybody detecting or observing it? How are they observing it?
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>>the soijak is the chud version of downvoting.
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Souls don't exist. The soul is at best a metaphor for consciousness, which it's self is a physical process inside the brain. The people who control the world know this, they will use your ignorance against you, they arguably already do.
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>>13498024 Soul is the nigger world for the mind, no amount of onions nor your feelings will change that.
Anonymous (22 replies)
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>>13498242 which is the mechanism for mutating more virulent strains you moron
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>>13498397 >the virus which originally had a <1% mortality rate now has a mortality rate of 50% in the unvaccinated but it's okay because we saw it coming, you just need the get vaccinated every 6 months. What could possibly go wrong? It's not like over reliance on technology or specialized resources has ever led to anything bad, right? Plus, it's impossible to abuse because government and pharmaceutical entities always have your best interest at heart.
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>>13498097 Just like the black plague mutated, or all of the other viruses humanity has survived without mass vaccination???? Lol people never think of past viruses that were far worse
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>>13498384 "leaky" vaccine is a very nebulous term, but the data show indeed a success of the vaccination campaign, hence I see no reason in stopping the vaccinations. instead we should increase the rate to stop the circulation
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>>13498378 so far zoonotic reservoirs don't seem to be an issue. maybe the future will prove me wrong