Threads by latest replies - Page 3087

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No.13497639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you deal with the fact that engineering is the best way to make an impact? Sure, mathematics or physics might present great puzzles or offer the right sort of challenge, but realistically unless you are fairly gifted you will be stuck either making shit wages, writing glorified CRUD apps, or gluing libraries together, whereas if you were an engineer you could have st least tackled energy generation/storage, aerospace, construction materials, or some other field making a dent in the world.
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Help identifying this rock

No.13497519 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of these rocks hit my house. Central New York here. Thinking either neighbors being dicks, bird dropped it or maybe meteorite??
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No.13498529 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ humor thread
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No.13497111 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how far can my fart propels me under 0g in a vacuum?
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(12 replies)
No.13498364 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ what does this mean for the future of academic progress?
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No.13497110 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the scientific reason why I want to sniff braps?
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(7 replies)
No.13498389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the "science is settled" on climate change, why are "reputable" organizations constantly getting caught fabricating data?
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No.13498024 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Soul is not real bro, its all just chemical reactions in the brain
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No.13498076 ViewReplyOriginalReport
17 posts and 1 image omitted