Threads by latest replies - Page 3086

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Fossil Fuels

No.13498201 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, if we do not successfully eliminate the use of fossil fuels and switch to a better source of energy before we run out or it just being impossibly expensive to extract, are we just stuck on this planet? And will we go back to steampunk tech or even back to 1800s tech? Are we screwed?
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(33 replies)
No.13495496 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mathbros no
not like this
Physics is supposed to be OUR bitch...this can't be happening. THEY WOULDNT EXIST WITHOUT US. I dont understand...
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(5 replies)
No.13498729 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright so let's say the Covid vaccines work. Going by the science behind it and the results they do and work well as most mRNA vaccines do. However, I've noticed a strange pattern in the science. The covid spikes pass the blood brain barrier but the white blood cells which are used to adapt to it do not. Do the covid spikes get stuck in the brain? If so what are the potential side effects of having a bunch of covid spike proteins in the brain?
(32 replies)
No.13495817 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is this the case?
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Ideas for Bachelors Thesis in Chemical Engineering

No.13498145 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have to make my Bachelors Thesis in Chemical Engineering next year, it has to consist on the design of a chemical plant for the production of a certain element.
Does anyone have any interesting reactions that I can use? I also need kinetics data, in order to design the reactor
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Venus Colonization

No.13498485 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>just land your rocket in the sky and build your city there bro
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Extra Day in a Year

No.13498674 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We know that one year has 365 ¼ days (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds, to be precise, yadda yadda).

One day is the rotation period of the Earth.
But in actuality, wouldn't the Earth complete ONE LESS rotation per year, because one DAY would be accounted for by the revolution?
So the Earth rotates [364 TIMES] on its axis in one year, not 365(plus the extra time)

Consider the following scenario:
A planet with no rotation with respect to its star system would have 1 day = 1 year, because light would go around once hitting all parts of it.
If it rotated once, you would get either a tidally locked planet or 2 days = 1 year.
Continue in the latter direction to get 3 days = 1 year, and so on to get to 365 days = 1 year
So the planet rotated only 364 times with respect to its star system.

Is my assumption to take the star system as the reference point wrong? Does the star's own rotation mean that the whole systems and all orbits are also rotating?
Help me make sense of this, /sci/anons.
(20 replies)

Would you accept a pig kidney?

No.13495764 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(6 replies)

Compi Sci minor

No.13497799 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/, I'm doing well at Computer Science in uni, and I want to become a software engineer. I have a choice of one minor, so should I take on physics or math? Which minor will help my career prospects more, aside from learning a ton of programming languages?
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